In my research over the past few weeks, I’ve learned something surprising about the abortion-breast cancer link. Many of the big named cancer groups have ties to the abortion provider Planned Parenthood.
On its website, Susan G. Komen for The Cure states that “the research clearly shows abortion does not increase the risk of breast cancer.” But here’s the thing: how much can we trust Komen to tell the truth when they are in bed with the biggest abortion provider in this country to the tune of $465,000?
Let’s move on to the American Cancer Society; surely their research is trustworthy. On their website, they devote paragraph after paragraph to the naysayers, yet only give a small snippet about the research that says yes, abortion does increase the risk of breast cancer:
In 2004, the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, based out of Oxford University in England, put together the results of many studies that looked at abortion and breast cancer risk. It looked at both cohort and case-control studies. When the studies that gathered information retrospectively (case-control studies) were looked at together, there were about 39,000 women with breast cancer (the cases) that were compared to about 48,000 women who hadn’t had breast cancer (the controls). They found about an 11% increased risk of breast cancer in women who reported having an induced abortion.
Some other retrospective studies published since then have also found an increased risk, including a case-control study of about 1,300 women from China (published in 2012) and a case-control study of 300 women in Iran (published in 2011).
Then they add this little tidbit to squash those studies: “But some recent case-control studies have not found a link, including a study of about 350 women from Serbia (published in 2013). In fact, women in this study had a lower risk of breast cancer.”
To me, their information seems a little heavy handed towards the “abortion doesn’t cause breast cancer” side.
But why would The American Cancer Society do this? I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that they have funded Planned Parenthood affiliates in the past. This is the statement released by The American Cancer Society concerning that funding:
We have previously funded a very limited number of cancer control grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates to implement cancer control programs, such as training clinic staff to screen patients for smoking, providing patients the benefits of quitting smoking, and referring patients to a toll-free smoking cessation helpline. These grants expired several years ago. The American Cancer Society does not fund—nor has it ever funded—abortion or contraceptive counseling.
So should we believe them when they say there is no credible link between abortion and breast cancer? I just don’t know.
How about the Centers for Disease Control? Now here is a organization with the word “disease” in their name. Surely, we can get the truth from them. Listed on their website are the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer. Abortion seems to be missing, yet night-shift work made their list.
So can we believe the CDC on this? I’m not convinced, especially since Dr. Deborah Nucatola was listed as a liaison for the CDC’s group that set the 2015 STD treatment guidelines. You may remember Dr. Nucatola as the Planned Parenthood physician featured on the first undercover video released by The Center for Medical Progress, seen munching on her salad and discussing how she carefully selects which body parts of preborn children she should and should not crush during an abortion, in order to harvest organs from them.
What about the National Cancer Institute? Maybe they will finally give us the unbiased information we are looking for.
A search on their website for the abortion-breast cancer link reveals a 2003 workshop conducted by NCI researcher Dr. Louise Brinton, chief of the Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, and featuring over 100 other researchers who were considered experts on pregnancy and breast cancer risk. In this study, they found that having an abortion does not increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer.
But a 2009 study, co-authored by the same Dr. Louise Brinton is somehow missing from the NCI website. In that study, featured in cancer journal “Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention” it was concluded that “specifically, age, family history of breast cancer, earlier menarche age, induced abortion, and OC (oral contraceptive) use were associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.”
Planned Parenthood continues to use the outdated NCI 2003 study as proof that abortion does not increase the risk of breast cancer. I guess they choose to ignore the newer research.
After reviewing all of this information, I have come to the conclusion that if irrefutable proof is found that abortion does indeed increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer, Planned Parenthood is so entwined with “Big Cancer” that they will find a way to cover it up.