
Louisiana abortion business injures woman while ignoring order to suspend abortions

abortionist, Planned Parenthood, ambulance, abortion

Despite an order that all non-essential surgeries be postponed in Louisiana amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the Women’s Health Center abortion business in New Orleans is operating and has injured a woman.

Pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue reports that a medical emergency occurred on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at Women’s Health Center. While the type of emergency is unknown at the time, a woman was seen by pro-lifers being placed into an ambulance on a gurney.

The New Orleans City Attorney’s office refused to fulfill Operation Rescue’s public records request for information on the incident.

On March 21, Governor John Bel Edwards (D) and the state Department of Health issued an order requiring all non-essential and elective surgeries to be suspended until further notice. As a result, all three Louisiana abortion facilities were said to have closed. There was an exception made for emergency medical surgeries for pregnant women if their health or the health of their preborn children were at risk.


READ: WOMEN AT RISK: No IV fluids at Louisiana abortion facility, but business continues as usual

Despite these exceptions, in truth, abortion is never medically necessary, even in an emergency — and 2,500 OB/GYNs have attested to this. By continuing to commit abortions during the pandemic, Women’s Health Center is putting women at greater risk than ever, all to make money. Abortion businesses are claiming that abortion numbers have risen amid the coronavirus outbreak – a sign that many pregnant women may be panicking about having a baby during a pandemic. Rather than help calm their fears, abortion businesses are continuing to profit off the deaths of preborn children. At the same time, they are ignoring health orders put in place to protect individuals, including their own patients.

The Women’s Health Center seriously injured at least one woman and sent her to an emergency room for treatment in a city that is a hotspot for COVID-19, putting her at risk of contracting the virus and thereby endangering the rest of her family as well. Again, the abortion industry has shown that it doesn’t care about women.

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