(Pregnancy Help News) — As the frontlines for abortion have continued to change leading up to and since the 2022 overturn of Roe v. Wade, the consideration for the dignity and safety of women who find themselves pondering abortion is fading further and further into oblivion. Troubling developments in abortion commerce are compounding the impact of abortion on women.
Most abortions now happen in homes, apartments, and dorms absent medical oversight and follow-up and with women facing the fallout on their own. But there are also growing trends in America of abortion tourism and abortions occurring while women are in transit or carrying out other obligations.
Some troubling examples we hear from women at the Abortion Pill Rescue Network include:
• Going to states with expanded abortion access in order to circumvent abortion laws.
• Completing an abortion during a family vacation or work travel, presuming minimal symptoms during the abortion process.
• Obtaining a late abortion with chemicals, laminaria (seaweed), or induced fetal demise (pharmacologic injection prior to the abortion), typically offered in limited locations by few abortion providers.
• Fulfilling work or school duties during their chemical abortion because taking time away is not financially feasible.
• Complying with an abuser who uses abortion to hide criminal activity.
Abortion tourism
Abortion tourism is increasing at alarming rates. Guttmacher now reports every one in five women seeking abortion are traveling out of state to obtain abortion, compared with one in 10 abortion clients just four years ago.
Plane tickets, gas cards, and train fare are now shaping the abortion landscape in America.
The New York Times reports a staggering 171,000 women traveled to another state to obtain their abortions in 2023.
Abortion tourism has more than doubled in just a four-year period and now makes up a fifth of recorded abortions.

The New York Times shares the influx of women into blue states seeking abortion access.
The reasons behind tourism abortion and abortion in transit
Some women travel due to limitations placed on abortion in their home states. One example of this was following passage of the Texas Heartbeat Act. Last year 35,000 Texans drove or flew out of state seeking abortion, primarily traveling to Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico.
Sixteen thousand women from Southern states obtained abortion in Illinois. And North Carolina received 12,000 women from South Carolina and Georgia and provided them abortion access.
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This crossing of state lines has reduced some abortion numbers in states with more stringent abortion regulation – but it has increased abortion rates in destination states.
Traveling during abortion
Some women opt to start their abortions as they travel. They are not working and have been falsely assured that symptoms will be no worse than a heavy period.
While most abortion providers advise women to undertake no travel for at least 24 hours after the abortion is complete, they also say that ‘if travel is necessary’ to be sure to locate the nearest emergency care.
Typically, bleeding begins within one-two hours after misoprostol, the second drug in the two-drug chemical abortion regimen. Some women experience heavy bleeding and pass large clots (the size of a lemon). However, since Big Abortion commonly minimizes the description of what happens during a chemical abortion, some women believe they can get on a plane or a bus even during the chemical abortion process.
Shipping abortion drugs to a location of your choice
Abortion tourism also includes shipping abortion pills to a hotel in instances where the woman wants to have more privacy away from parents, children, their partner or husband. Telemed and abortion website orders can be delivered wherever the purchaser designates, such as a P.O. Box, UPS or FedEx pick-up location, dorm, or campus mail center.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to warn consumers about ordering the abortion pill through the mail and does not recommend purchasing mifepristone (the first chemical abortion drug) outside of the drug’s REMS safety standards (reserved “for certain medications with serious safety concerns”) – e.g., buying it online or personally transporting it from a foreign country. These warnings go out the window taking women’s safety and dignity with them as Big Abortion feigns safety and promotes abortion at all costs absent accountability.
Illinois is seeing more out-of-state patients from more states than any other after putting millions of dollars into drawing women there.
Just in the last two years, Illinois has invested $23 million into expanding abortion access and so-called reproductive health care. Abortion providers in Illinois have increased their facility hours and staffing to accommodate the flood of women heading north for their abortions.
The Chicago Abortion Fund provides $880 to each woman seeking an abortion in Illinois, an increase from $545 in 2022, thanks to donations and a grant from the city of Chicago amounting to a staggering $1,000,000 each year.
The “abortion underground”
“Hey Jane” and others peddling abortion have normalized abortion travel while at the same time offering abortion from the “comfort and convenience of your phone.” They offer tips about how to take time off from work, paying for the abortion, travel accommodations, and preparing for the abortion while away from home. Calling themselves the “abortion underground,” they aid in the transport of women away from their homes and families to abort their children…
Read the entire article at Pregnancy Help News…
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by Pregnancy Help News and is reprinted here with permission.
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