What would possess an abortion clinic to encourage women to seek out an abortion on a Sunday?
That’s exactly what the Orlando “Women’s Center” offered on its website:
Of course, Sunday is when most Christians attend Church. So perhaps one of the goals of this promotional stunt is to encourage young women to seek abortions on a day where pro-life Christians would be spending time in prayer and with family instead of prayerfully protesting and witnessing outside this abortion clinic. Sunday is also traditionally a day of rest in America when most businesses are closed, but as many pro-lifers know, abortion ends innocent lives 24/7.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers seemingly can’t help themselves when it comes to offering gift certificates on sacred days as an incentive to abort. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Illinois got in hot water in 2010 for offering “Choice on Earth” celebratory abortion gift certificates to coincide with Christmas, and that’s not the only example.
This idea to give out gift certificates for Sunday abortions reminds me of the infamous line by pro-abortion activist Florynce Kennedy: “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”
Perversely, it is not men and pro-life Christians who are obsessed with abortion, it is abortion providers such as this Orlando clinic, so much so that they are scared to even allow women the opportunity which Sunday provides to contemplate and bravely choose life.