Carol Everett was the director of four abortion clinics and the owner of two. She was eventually driven from the abortion industry because her clinics were knowingly doing abortions on women who were not pregnant. She is now a pro-life activist.
Everett describes how her clinics sold abortions to women over the phone. She says that money was the motivating factor for her as an abortion clinic owner.
It was always difficult to find and train telemarketers who could call themselves “counselors” while selling abortions.
“We’re helping women,” I had to remind them constantly. Those who didn’t buy my pitch quickly left.
I started to believe my own rhetoric. I had to be convincing in order to persuade my telephone counselors, but each time I met with Chuck, I was quickly snapped back to reality. We were in the business of making money, a lot of it.(1)
In an appearance on television, Everett also said:
[Abortion clinics] have an abortion budget and they have a certain number of patients that you have to perform abortions on every month, and there’s a dollar amount attached to each woman.
Everett saw the women coming into her clinic as potential sources of revenue, instead of being concerned about their well-being. She describes how the clinics advertised their services:
How many of you have seen a number, unsolicited, that you think you could call that said, “Problem Pregnancy,” “Abortion Information,” or “Pregnant?” in your area where you think you could call for abortion information? Let’s talk about those kids when they find out that they are pregnant. They may not want an abortion; they may want information. But when they call that number that’s paid for by abortion money, what kind of information do you think they’re going to get? Let’s remember, they sell abortions. They don’t sell keeping the baby. They don’t sell giving the baby up for adoption. They don’t sell delivering that baby in any form. They only sell abortions.
She goes on to explain more about what happened when the women called the clinic’s number:
So the girl calls this number and says, I’m pregnant. How far along are you? What’s the first day of your last normal period? They’ve got their wheel there and they figure it out. This counselor is paid to be this girl’s friend. She is paid to be the authority for this girl. She is supposed to seduce her into a friendship of sorts to sell her the abortion. Every problem this girl has: I don’t want to tell my parents. You don’t have to tell your parents. They don’t have to know. You’re old enough to come in and have it without them knowing. And then the money, and they ask them to go get their money and pay the people back in a year.
She said that most woman who called had the same two questions:
Then the two questions they ask are: Does it hurt? Oh, no. Your uterus is a muscle, and they hold their hand up if they’re seeing them; if not, they tell them over the phone: It’s a cramp to open it; a cramp to close it; it’s a slight cramping sensation. Everybody’s had cramps; every woman in the world. So they think that’s no problem. I can stand that; I’ve been through it before.
And then they say: Is it a baby? No, it’s a product of conception; it’s a blood clot; it’s a piece of tissue. They don’t even really tell them it’s a fetus, because, you see, that almost humanizes it too much. It’s never a baby. They can’t admit it themselves when they go in the back and have little 6-week fetuses, babies that they put down disposals…So, they lie to her.
You know, if you look at abortion from the face, I cannot tell you one thing that happens in an abortion clinic that is not a lie.
And the lie, of course, is geared towards getting the women in and collecting their money. Is it surprising that a business as lucrative as abortion has spawned a gruesome trade in fetal body parts? It is not that shocking that abortion clinics would take advantage of every possible way they could cash in on women’s abortions. The women who “donate” their “fetal tissue”may not know that the clinic is actually collecting a profit off their dead babies.
According to Everett and other former abortion workers, money is often the bottom line.
1. Carol Everett with Jack Shaw, Blood Money (Oregon: Multnomah Press Books, Questar Publishers, Inc., 1992) Quoted in Rachel M MacNair, PhD. Achieving Peace in the Abortion War (New York: iUniverse, 2009) 54