In New York City, there are a number of abortion clinics competing to catch the eyes of abortion minded women. One of these clinics is Early Options. Their tagline reads “Early Abortion & Miscarriage: a Revolutionary Medical Practice.”
When a woman goes to a clinic to end her pregnancy and kill her unborn baby, it’s not really called a “miscarriage,” but since the word “abortion” still carries stigma, redefining the word “miscarriage” for their patients is apparently something this abortion clinic is happy to do.
This clinic has apparently pioneered an abortion method called the “SoftTouch.” According to the site:
SofTouch® is the safest, most noninvasive method. The doctor simply inserts a soft flexible tube through the natural opening of your cervix, and applies gentle pressure. This quietly “releases” your late period and induces a miscarriage. Because it is a natural release there is immediate recovery and you can rest assured that when you are ready, you can become pregnant again.
The clinic’s website does not say what is actually providing this “gentle pressure.” Perhaps it is a hand-held pump syringe. Either way, they are advertising these abortions as “natural” and “gentle.” But are they really natural and gentle to the baby?
The clinic instructs prospective patients to:
Let go of your worries, and let us care for you. You will leave feeling supported and confident that you can get pregnant when the time is right.
They say:
We have spent over 15 years developing our approach to patient care. It is transformative to be in an environment that is welcoming, respectful, and non-judgmental. You will not feel like you are in a traditional “clinic” but in a truly therapeutic and warm doctor’s office. A companion is welcome to be by your side.
On another page Early Options describes an abortion at seven weeks. They’ve even included a nice little picture for us:
The text next to the picture says:
Ending early pregnancy doesn’t need to be any more complicated than getting your yearly pap test.
You have an early pregnancy if you have only missed one or two periods. At this stage, it’s more like having a miscarriage. It’s comforting to know that you’re ending the pregnancy before you would even know if it may be viable. An early pregnancy consists of tissue similar to your menstrual tissue and a “bubble” of fluid, called the gestational sac. The pregnancy itself is invisible.
Seven weeks. An empty sac. A pregnancy that is “tissue similar to menstrual tissue.” Nice and easy. Right?
Unfortunately, this is not the reality.
The Endowment for Human Development, a site not affiliated with the pro-life movement or any religious group, has photographs of unborn babies at different stages of development. It also has fetal development facts and information.
Here are some of the things that an unborn baby has at seven weeks:
- a four chambered, beating heart
- a liver and kidneys
- fingers and toes
- knee joints
- ears
- the ability to have the hiccups
- if female, developing ovaries
- a brain that gives off brain waves
Here you can see the beating heart of a seven-week-old child.
The clinic workers and abortionists at Early Options know what these babies look like. They know that these children are not “tissue” or “a late period” or “fluid” or “an empty sac.”
The language they use is meant to be misleading. Women are not supposed to know what is inside them – they are not supposed to know the reality of what their baby looks like or what he or she can do, they are not supposed to know the truth about what the abortion will do to their child. (Warning; graphic images). The picture on the website can’t be seen as anything other than a blatant lie. The empty sac that it shows is not a seven-week-old baby or even a four or five-week-old baby.
This is the information that’s out there aimed at abortion minded women. This is what the clinics are telling them. We need to tell them the truth.