
‘Abortion doulas’ help the poor get abortions… even if they don’t want them

abortion doulas, abortion pill, women, rape, abortion

The Doula Project was launched in 2007 in New York, but while most doulas help women welcome their children into the world with love, these doulas are also required to stand by women as an abortionist ensures the child’s demise. Most specifically for the Doula Project, they must be willing to support the killing of the preborn children from, according to the BBC, “lower-income backgrounds and marginalized communities.” The annual household income of the women they work with is under $30,000.

Vicki Bloom is one of the doulas who has agreed to be there to help women through their abortions. While it’s true that women who have abortions need assistance, they would be better off receiving actual help that allows them to overcome the challenges that are driving them to abort in the first place. The women that Bloom works with are low-income, as the Doula Project admits. Will abortion help them rise out of poverty? Is Bloom’s hand-holding actually lifting these women up? Or is she essentially holding them down and pushing them deeper into the abyss? In an interview with BBC, Bloom said she has been there through 2,000 abortions and actually believes that abortion is the only thing she could possibly offer these women – because they are poor.

READ: Pro-abortion advocates claim to help the poor, minorities and women, but do they really?

“One of the most difficult things about my job is that I can’t fix somebody’s life, no matter how much I might want to try,” said Bloom. “I can’t fix their bad relationship or their lack of a job. I’ll make a connection with a person whose life is really complicated and help them in that moment with this one thing, and then I’ll never see them again.”

But Bloom has it all wrong. She can help a woman out of a bad relationship. She can help a woman find a job. But instead, she chooses to help them abort. And because she never sees these women again, she isn’t there to help them with the aftermath of their decision – such as the PTSD they may suffer from, as well as the possible depression, suicidal thoughts, and grief after an abortion.

If Bloom and the rest of the Doula Project truly wanted to help these women, they would connect them to the proper social services available to them. A visit to a pregnancy resource center would have shown these women that there is support to help them move out of the home where they are being abused, secure a job and childcare, earn their degree, and change their entire lives. They wouldn’t feel that they have to sacrifice their children only to remain in the same bad place in life that they were before.

What’s truly unbelievable is that Bloom admits many of the women with whom she works don’t want an abortion at all, but they think they have no other choice. They have been told they have no other choice. They will tell her things like, “I really wanted this baby but I don’t have enough money,” and, “I feel so sad about this but taking care of my two kids right now is enough.”

However, Bloom ignores these cries for help. She ignores this oppression, telling the BBC that it’s “super-powerful” to her. That she likes “making a deep connection, making a difference – and then letting it go.” But these ambivalent women she sits with while their children are killed may never be able to let it go. They may carry their grief with them for the rest of their lives, while Bloom moves on to the next pair of the abortion industry’s victims. Meanwhile, these women likely can’t afford a therapist and may not have the ability to get to a doctor for help after the fact.

What’s perhaps even more remarkable is how discriminatory the Doula Project’s actions are. They know that these women don’t want abortions, but they aren’t willing to do anything to stop it. Could it be because these women are poor?

Because the Doula Project focuses on poor women, they are —  either knowingly or unknowingly — demonstrating that they don’t think poor women deserve real choices or the right to raise their children. Otherwise, they wouldn’t just nod and flash reassuring smiles when women tell them they don’t want to abort.

True, substantial, life-changing and completely free help is readily available from thousands of pregnancy help centers — places the abortion industry is trying so desperately to shut down. Of course, these doulas don’t send them there.

READ: Debunking Planned Parenthood’s false claims about pregnancy centers

Rather than fully realizing that these women are not freely choosing abortion and doing something about it, Bloom and her colleagues are walking low-income women to the lion’s den and then abandoning them to deal with potential post-abortion devastation alone.

And they do it all under the guise of “choice.”

It’s time for society to wake up and realize that abortion isn’t about a woman’s freedom or equality at all. Every time a woman is pushed to abort because of finances, her education, her career, her lack of housing, or her child’s medical diagnosis, her freedom is diminished and her self-worth is depleted.

The Doula Project women are doing nothing more than feeding these women’s fears and spreading the lies that they are not good enough or strong enough to overcome the obstacles in front of them, that they have no choice other than abortion, and that no one is willing to help them or their children.

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