
Abortion facility security guard convicted of battery against pro-lifer

A security guard for South Wind Women’s Center in Topeka, Kansas (once the facility of the late abortionist George Tiller), has been convicted of battery after attacking pro-life activist Jennifer McCoy as she took photos on the public sidewalk outside the abortion business one night in June 2016.

Operation Rescue reports that security guard Carl Swinney, who was convicted of drunk driving in September 2016, is said to have been “armed with a .45 caliber pistol” as he “approached McCoy, and grabbed her forcefully by her arm.” When McCoy screamed, Swinney did not let her go. McCoy’s children witnessed the altercation.

On on April 5, 2017, Judge Bryce Abbott convicted Swinney of battery after hearing testimony from witnesses, including one of McCoy’s children as well as abortionist Leslie Page, the facility’s medical director, who claimed she did not witness Swinney’s violent behavior, even though she was pulling out of the parking lot at the time, in full view of the sidewalk.

Operation Rescue states:

… McCoy told Operation Rescue later that she believed that Page had not told the truth when she claimed not to have seen the attack because Swinney had his back to her.

Judge Abbott also expressed skepticism over the defense’s claim that a clinic security camera just happened to inexplicably turn away from sidewalk where the incident took place immediately prior to the attack.

Operation Rescue adds that Swinney was “placed on probation and ordered to take anger management classes. In addition, he was order to pay $436.50 in fines and costs.” McCoy is considering further legal action against Swinney.

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