A newly released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report reveals that in just the past three years (2019-2021), Planned Parenthood — along with four regional abortion facilities and two international abortion organizations — received nearly $2 billion from U.S. taxpayers, a similar amount to what GAO documented for FY2016-FY2018.
The GAO report, “Federal Funding for Certain Organizations Providing Health-Related Services, 2019 through 2022” indicates that Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion, International Planned Parenthood Federation received $2.03 million, MSI Reproductive Choices received $1.35 million, and four domestic regional abortion providers received nearly $108 million in taxpayer revenue.
“Current federal law prohibits federal funding of abortions but has no limitation on funding abortion providers,” U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) along with 142 Congressional members wrote in a January of 2022 letter requesting the data.
The GAO report indicates that from 2019-2021, Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion in federal taxpayer funding, while at the same time, the abortion corporation committed 1.11 million abortions.
This translates to an average of $592 million federal dollars passed to Planned Parenthood each year from 2019-2021.
According to the report, between 2021 ($5.71 million) and 2022 ($27.06 million), the Biden Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) obligations to Planned Parenthood increased nearly 374%.
Planned Parenthood has been accused multiple times of Medicaid fraud, yet it continues to be funded. In 2022, the State of Texas filed a lawsuit against “Planned Parenthood Federation of America and several Planned Parenthood locations in Texas, seeking recovery of $10 million in payments made by the Texas Medicaid program.”
Planned Parenthood has been embroiled in multiple additional controversies, including accusations of abuse, scandal, fraud, racism, pregnancy discrimination, and privacy breaches — yet the United States Government under the Biden Administration continues to funnel taxpayer dollars to this corrupt organization.
Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP Funding
Over $1.53 billion in reimbursements from Medicare ($3.28M), Medicaid ($1535.27M) as well as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) ($50K) went to Planned Parenthood, the Government Accountability Office report stated.
The three top affiliate recipients of Medicare dollars included: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte ($960K), Planned Parenthood North Central States ($40K), and Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York, Inc ($36K). While Planned Parenthood Mar Monte ($244.11M), Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest ($217.57M), and Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties, Inc. ($204.69M) received the top amount of Medicaid reimbursements.
It is important to note that according to the Government Accountability Office, Medicare payments to Planned Parenthood “include only federal funds” while Medicaid and CHIP payments “include funding from both state and federal sources; thus, the Medicaid and CHIP payment data overstate the amount of funding received from the federal government,” GAO claimed.
“Medicaid and CHIP payments to Planned Parenthood affiliates are funded with both state and federal funds, and the state share of this approximately $1.5 billion could be sizeable. With certain exceptions, the federal government matches a portion of each state’s Medicaid and CHIP expenditures, and the matching rates can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the services provided or the populations served,” GAO wrote.

GAO report examples of state and federal Medicaid funding
Grants and Cooperative Agreements, SBA Loans
Planned Parenthood received nearly $149 million in grants and cooperative agreements ($148.5 million), the Government Accountability Office report claimed.
The top affiliate recipients of grants and cooperative agreement payments included Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties, which received the largest share ($11.09M), with Planned Parenthood of Greater New York and Planned Parenthood North Central States both receiving well over $9M each.
In addition, over $90.41 million in loans forgiven from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), issued under Small Business Administration (SBA) for COVID-19 relief, went to Planned Parenthood.

GAO PPP loan forgiveness to Planned Parenthood (2019 to 2021)
“In total, Planned Parenthood affiliates received approximately $89 million in loans, of which the entire amount—including interest [$1.11M] —had been forgiven as of May 1, 2023,” GAO added.
Live Action News previously documented how this program explicitly disqualified Planned Parenthood since the abortion corporation employed more than the 500 total employees eligible for the payments — approximately 16,000 among all their affiliates. Members of Congress informed the SBA of this, urging an investigation into the matter, but the Biden Administration ruled Planned Parenthood was eligible.
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) received the largest share of forgiveness under the PPP, totaling $10.07M, after laying off workers.

GAO Paycheck Protection Program and Loan Forgiveness
“Our analysis found that International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] received approximately $2 million [$2.03M] in federal funding from [U.S. Agency for International Development] USAID through grants or cooperative agreements from 2019 through 2021,” the Government Accountability Office reported.
“About $1.3 million of these funds were in the ‘family planning and reproductive health’ program area,” GAO claimed, while noting that IPPF received no funds from HHS during this time.
IPPF is an international organization with 150 Member Associations which operate in 146 countries. In 2021, “IPPF MAs delivered a total of 4.5 million abortion related services” the organization claimed. Abortions at IPPF jumped 11% in 2022 to “over five million abortion-related services” that year, according to IPPF’s annual reports.
MSI REPRODUCTIVE CHOICES (formerly Marie Stopes International): $1.35M
“Our analysis found that MSI Reproductive Choices received approximately $1.35 million in federal funding from USAID through grants or cooperative agreements from 2019 through 2021,” the GAO report claimed, noting that no funds came from HHS.
MSI was formerly called Marie Stopes International, but instituted a name change in 2020 to distance itself from the organization’s founding based on eugenics. MSI, which currently works across 37 countries, describes itself as “one of the world’s leading providers of comprehensive abortion care.”
In 2021, four million clients accessed abortions through MSI.
That number rose by nearly 18% by 2022, to 4.7 million clients globally.

GAO IPPF and MSI funding from USAID (2019 to 2021)
“The organizations in our review included four privately-owned providers of health-related services within various regions of the United States,” GAO stated. Each facility received both Medicaid and CHIP payments between 2019 to 2021, with just one receiving some Medicare payments for fiscal years 2020 and 2021.
The letter sent by Congressional representatives to the Government Accountability Office identified these providers as FPA Women’s Health, American Women’s Services, All Women’s Health Center, and Whole Woman’s Health, all of which are abortion providers.
“The total amount of Medicaid and CHIP payments received was approximately $108 million,” the GAO report noted, with no funds obligated by HHS.
The organizations operated in a total of eight states during the time frame of this study, GAO also claimed.

GAO report for federal funding of four regional abortion facilities (2019 to 2021)
Under the Hyde Amendment, federal funds for domestic activities are generally not available to pay for abortions, except where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or the life of the pregnant woman would be endangered unless an abortion is performed.
In 2019, the Trump Administration issued the Protect Life Rule, prohibiting Title X Family Planning program grantees, including Planned Parenthood, from referring for abortion and requiring them to maintain physical and financial separation from abortion providers. As a result, Planned Parenthood lost an estimated $60 million in Title X taxpayer dollars due to the corporation’s calculated decision to refuse to comply with the rule, instead prioritizing abortion over the health of low income clients,
In 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration reversed Trump’s Protect Life Rule.
Likewise, taxpayer interests were protected under the ‘Mexico City Policy,’ commonly referred to by pro-abortion organizations as the ‘global gag rule.’ This rule was reworked under the Trump Administration and renamed Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) in 2017. PLGHA prohibited funding projects which actively promoted abortion as a method of family planning or provided financial support to any foreign nongovernmental organizations that conducted such activities.
But the PLGHA policy was also rescinded in 2021 by the Biden-Harris Administration.
According to the report, “The Government Accountability Office, the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people.”