In our wonderful American society, many people (especially young people) take pride in wearing the latest fashion, owning the latest Apple products, and knowing exactly what’s going on in the Kardashian’s lives. Those are all ways we try to fit in and blend into society. But why are we so fascinated with being the same as everyone else?

Students at the 2013 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
If you think about it, we’re all different anyway, so why are we trying to hide that?
I don’t wear clothes from designer stores (most college students don’t have money for that anyway), have never owned an Apple product (OH THE HORROR!), and don’t follow celebrity news. So you could call me weird (who isn’t?). Add being pro-life on top of that, and WHOA! There’s just a whole lot of stuff going on that’s not normal here.
As a pro-lifer, it often feels like we’re in the minority (often when we shouldn’t). Sometimes it even seems like we’re alone when society is so against us. Because of this pressure from society, many people hesitate to speak out against injustice. In my own life, I know of many people who are pro-life, and proud of it. But they don’t talk about it. I know of a lot of people around my age in college who are pro-life who don’t do anything about it.
Are you one of those people?
You’ve probably heard the quote “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” Well, you’ve got the truth about life. Get out there and flaunt it!
In an age where over a million babies are murdered inside their mothers wombs every year, shouldn’t we be doing something about it?
When 45% of mothers who have abortions are college-aged, shouldn’t we be trying to reach them?
I was laying in a hair salon recently and was listening to the news reporters go on and on about how malaria is such a “devastating disease” killing 600,000 people a year. That’s tragic.
People, we cry our eyes out when abused puppies come on tv. We want to donate to the poor starving orphans in Africa. But we’re missing what’s going on in our own backyard. That’s not to say we shouldn’t adopt puppies and help feed starving children. But did you know that you know someone who has had an abortion? We all do.
Every single one of us is touched in some way by abortion, and it’s up to us to end it. Our friends, classmates, and maybe even roommates in college have been touched by abortion, and we need to be there to reach out to them, unashamedly share our pro-life vies, and draw others to the light.
Will you start abolishing abortion today, or put it off for another day? There is no better time than now.