Last week, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump announced Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) as his choice for running mate. The announcement did not go over well with abortion advocates.
Samantha Bee, a comedian prone to advocating her pro-abortion views in a cheap attempt to try and draw laughs, also took aim at Pence on Monday’s Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
One segment, “Who is Mike Pence?” focused on Pence’s pro-life views, with Bee saying “it’s 1952, thanks to Pence.”
“If you’re a lady Hoosier, you may recognize him as the governor who inspected your reproductive organs every 30 days to make sure you weren’t using them in ways that would make Jesus sad,” she continued — which, of course, is not true. Bee espouses the same views as the chorus of abortion advocates — along with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America — who called upon women to contact the governor about their periods when he signed a pro-life law. Talk about missing the point entirely. Abortion advocates seem to be the ones truly obsessed with women’s periods.
Bee mocked Pence’s signing of a law that would require abortion facilities to either cremate or bury miscarried and aborted babies, saying Pence “had closed down every abortion clinic not equipped with a full compliment of funeral bagpipers, you know, for the woman’s safety.” That the law was blocked is apparently not enough for Bee.
Bee had even more crude words regarding miscarriage, neglecting to recognize the loss felt by many women who miscarry, along with their desire to acknowledge the life and death of a very real child. Instead, she snarked, “So if you’re driving through Indiana and the contractions start, cross your legs and don’t stop until you’re in Chicago.” Really? Because those mothers couldn’t possibly wish for their miscarried children to be treated as the real human beings that they are?
Abortion advocates like Bee wrongly believe that having an interest in the dignity of a miscarried or aborted preborn person means Pence wants to somehow regulate miscarriages and periods. That is ridiculous, and such regulation couldn’t even be done. The law itself said nothing about regulating miscarriages; they were mentioned in the context of the proper burial or cremation of the deceased child.
Really, all of this is just more of the same from Bee, who has criticized the pro-life movement, Republicans, and religion before. Bee has also used religion to mock pregnancy resource centers, which have helped countless women and children with free services, material help, and other valuable resources.
That’s the abortion movement though… always finding more ways to immaturely criticize pro-life proposals by starting nonsensical campaigns, wearing tampon earrings and calling governors’ offices when they menstruate.
Watch Bee’s brief, crude clip below.