CBS News reports on the legislative success of the pro-life movement at the state level since 2010:
In the past two years alone, 32 states have adopted some form of abortion restriction.
The Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, tracks legislation. Elizabeth Nash, its state issues manager, said: ‘Since the November 2010 elections, we have just seen a huge tidal wave of abortion restrictions roll across states.’
In the first six months of 2012, 15 states passed 39 restrictions on abortion. Last year, 24 states passed 92 restrictions, an all-time record.
Restrictions include bans on abortions at 20 weeks; 24- to 72-hour waiting periods; and a requirement to inform women of suicide risks if they seek an abortion.
This graph by the Guttmacher Institute makes the gains even clearer:
While some may criticize the legislation as incremental or “small steps,” it is clear that the pro-life movement is on the move in a big way. And every life saved is at least two precious lives won. Besides the lives saved through these legislative efforts, there are three other big gains being made along the way:
1) Typically, many more pieces of legislation are attempted than those that are actually passed. This is great news! It means that the legislatures, newspapers, and citizens across our nation are discussing the issue of abortion – and the precious women, children, and families that are central to this fight.
2) Truth is being spread at a record rate. More and more people are learning about the humanity of the unborn child, why abortion is wrong, and what it really means to be “pro-choice.” It’s not as rosy as it once was. CBS News refers to a Gallup poll on abortion:
On the abortion issue, a recent Gallup poll asked: ‘Would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life.’ Fifty percent of Americans now call themselves ‘pro-life.’ Fourty-one [sic] percent call themselves ‘pro-choice,’ a record low
3) The culture is changing. I continue to believe that one of the biggest reasons pro-lifers ought to actively work to pass pro-life legislation and, specifically, ballot measures is because it keeps the public talking. It keeps the media talking. It keeps the issue of abortion in the forefront of people’s minds. It makes those silent screams just a little bit easier to hear and quite a bit harder to ignore.
What kind of abortion restrictions are being passed in over half the states? There’s quite the range! Heartbeat bills, counseling and waiting periods, fetal pain bills, funding cut-offs for Planned Parenthood, and women’s information bills have all begun to make the rounds.
Let’s hope that this trend continues until instead of only being restricted, abortion is stopped in our nation and in every state. And more than hoping, let’s keep working to ensure this happens! Do not lose heart; the tide is turning, my friends.