Abortion Pill

She took the abortion pill at 8 weeks and saw her baby: ‘I could see its fingers, its eyes, its feet’

loss, abortion, Japan

In her YouTube video, a British post-abortive woman, who identifies herself as Megan Rhiann, shared her story of a “petrifying and traumatizing” abortion by pill. According to Megan, she received misinformation and a lack of counseling from the abortion facility, and experienced tremendous pain followed by the trauma of seeing her aborted child.

Misinformation from a Chain of Abortion Facilities

Megan went to the Marie Stopes abortion chain. In an “educational” video, Marie Stopes claims that the abortion pill “stops the pregnancy from growing.” A booklet about the abortion pill given to patients by Marie Stopes admits women will “likely” experience “strong cramping” during their abortions, but “pain and bleeding is different for each person.”

It also says the following about what the woman will see:

[I]t would be expected for you to pass the pregnancy tissue and most people will pass blood clots… As the gestation increases the pregnancy tissue may be more recognisable but most people will not clearly see a fetus. At 9 weeks the fetus is 3-8cm long.

Lack of Counseling and Information at Marie Stopes

Megan complains that the abortion facility didn’t maintain patient privacy — she heard the names of other women who came for abortions. She also says they did an STD test that she never got the results of, even though she made her video two months after her abortion.

Megan found it “horrible” that her boyfriend (the father of the baby) wasn’t allowed to go back with her to see the doctor. She says there was “barely any conversation” between her and the abortionist:

The doctor was very abrupt, and she was obviously rushing, saying that she was an hour and a bit late. So, she wasn’t very helpful…[S]he made me feel like a nuisance for asking what I’m actually swallowing. She didn’t say a single thing about any of [the pills].

The abortionist asked Megan if this was her first abortion, and Megan answered yes. She says, “I thought after that, she’d give me a little bit of information about what was going to happen. But nothing happened… She didn’t say a word. She made me swallow all the pills.”

The abortionist then put the second drug, misoprostol, into Megan’s vagina. Megan says this was painful, that the abortionist hurt her when inserting them. 

Unexpected Pain and Heavy Bleeding

Megan and her boyfriend then went to a restaurant, where Megan had severe cramps and started bleeding. She also experienced a painful leg cramp, which made her unable to walk. The doctor gave Megan misinformation about how long it would take the pill to work, and she wasn’t expecting it to affect her so soon.

She wasn’t warned about leg cramps. In fact, according to Megan, “[the abortionist] didn’t even say a thing about the [abdominal] cramping.” The doctor also didn’t warn Megan about the heavy bleeding she would endure, although she gave Megan a booklet that mentioned it.

At home, Megan spent hours on the toilet, bleeding heavily, having diarrhea, and “profusely” throwing up. She says, “I was expelling everything from everywhere. The blood was dropping like a f—- faucet.”

Megan believes the vomiting and diarrhea were caused by the pain, and calls the abortion “the most painful thing I’ve ever gone through.”

But the worst was yet to come.

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Seeing Her Fully Formed Aborted Baby

Megan says she was eight weeks along when she had her abortion. While walking to her bathroom, Megan felt her baby come out.

She describes what she saw when she pulled down her pants:

I saw my baby… My baby was basically fully formed. I could see its fingers, its eyes, its feet. It was a fully formed baby. I was not told that that would happen… I wasn’t told that the sac was see through. I wasn’t told anything…

[T]hat night will never leave my memory ….[T]his is going to be the most traumatic experience of my life ever.

Megan called her boyfriend, sobbing. It was after midnight. She says:

I had a full-on breakdown, because I sat on the other side of my bathroom against the door, not being able to even look in the general direction of my pad that had my baby in it… I didn’t know what to do. And it was horrible. And the fact that I saw the baby and having to flush it now… It didn’t seem right at all to me but did it.

Megan wasn’t told she would see her baby. Neither the abortionist nor the booklet she received gave her accurate information about fetal development, leaving her completely unprepared. 

She says, “[I]t’s only right that I be told and not have to find out through Google what’s going to happen to me and what I’m going to see. It should be told to me by my f— doctor, not Google.”

6 weeks from fertilization (8 weeks gestation/LMP)

False Information about Bleeding

Another thing the doctor didn’t tell her was how long she would bleed. The booklet said the bleeding would last from two to three weeks. She bled much longer. First, she says she bled for a month, then she corrects herself and says that the bleeding only recently stopped, right before she made the video — two months after her abortion.

Megan says, “[The booklet] didn’t say that I’d be passing actual flesh clumps every day. I was getting the same… contraction pains every day. I’ll get one or two and then I’ll go to the toilet… and there will be a clump of flesh.”

Post-Abortion Trauma

Megan claims she would’ve still had the abortion had she known the truth, but calls it an extremely traumatic experience, and one that will haunt her in the future. She says, “[I]t’s going to be on my mind for a long, long time. I still have days where I cry over it… It’s something I will never forget. And I will never get over.”

Neither the abortionist nor the booklet told Megan the truth. She feels deceived, traumatized, and angry at the abortionist for giving her so little information.

Megan says she was only eight weeks along when she saw her baby. Marie Stopes gives the abortion pill up to 10 weeks. However, their booklet assures women they won’t see their aborted baby.

Megan’s story is yet another example of abortion facilities lying to women.

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