As previously reported by Live Action News, The Kaiser Family Foundation released a poll purporting to show that the American public opposes barring Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funds. The poll, a sample of 1,200 adults, was designed and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Pollsters concluded that not only did a majority of respondents oppose barring federal funding from facilities that provide abortions or abortion referrals, but that, despite the fact that state funds can and do pay for abortions, 69 percent of respondents said they would like taxpayer funds to continue to benefit Planned Parenthood. But can those results be trusted? As it turns out, probably not.
In a previous post, Live Action News noted how the questions appeared skewed heavily in favor of Planned Parenthood, and how the Kaiser Family Foundation left out important facts that may have swayed the results to support public funding of the abortion corporation. Why might Kaiser have left out those facts? Because Kaiser Family Foundation has an extreme pro-abortion bias.
The pollster, the Kaiser Family Foundation, has been awarded by Planned Parenthood
The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) as well as the The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation were named past recipients of Planned Parenthood’s infamous PPFA Maggie Award. The award, according to older pages preserved by WayBack Machine, was originally named after Planned Parenthood’s infamous founder, Margaret Sanger, who even gave Klan speeches and was entrenched in eugenics who advocated for the forced sterilization of groups she deemed unworthy to procreate. Sanger even pushed the idea that grown adults should need a license to have babies.
The pollster, the Kaiser Family Foundation, was an original abortion pill investor
According to reports, Kaiser Family Foundation was also one of the original investors of the abortion pill, RU-486, when it was first introduced into the United States through the Population Council, a eugenics-based organization with direct ties to the abortion industry. In addition, Kaiser helped fund studies on multiple uses of the pill.
The revealing information comes from a November 2000 report published by the Seattle Times and Los Angeles Times, published as the Population Council was creating a manufacturer of the abortion pill, now known as Danco: “The Population Council raised $16 million from like-minded foundations, including the Open Society Institute of New York, which is the philanthropic arm of billionaire George Soros, and the California-based Kaiser Family Foundation.”
This was backed up by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which stated in 2001, “From October 1994 to September 1995 the Population Council conducted a U.S. trial of RU-486 involving 2,121 women. The Population Council raised $16 million from other organizations, such as the Open Society and the Kaiser Family Foundation, in order to conduct the trial and prepare the documentation necessary to receive FDA approval.”
Live Action News has been documenting Planned Parenthood’s efforts to expand abortion, specifically Telabortion via abortion pills being sent by mail order. The push to lift FDA protection over the abortion pill (REMS) and open the flood gates to online and pharmacy dispension of the dangerous regime is being led by The Packard Foundation.

FDA reported deaths for abortion pill December 2018
Live Action News previously documented, Packard is an original investor of the abortion pill, seeding the pill’s manufacturer Danco with $10 million in 1998. Packard’s investment in the company also included a $14 million loan as early as 1996 to bring the drug to the U.S., as well as additional grants made in 2000, 2004, and 2009.

Packard Foundation invested in abortion pill manufacturer DANCO (Image: David and Lucile Packard Foundation)
The pollster, the Kaiser Family Foundation, receives funding from pro-abortion groups
The Packard Foundation currently funds studies (in Journal Contraception) that claim self-managed abortion and reversing REMS is safe; the conflict of interest as an abortion pill investor was not noted. Packard also funds Gynuity Health Projects, which conducts abortion pill clinical trials. And in 2017, Packard gave Kaiser a large grant of $500,000 — and in fact, Packard has been funding Kaiser for years:
Perhaps if Kaiser could see past its clear abortion bias, its pollsters would have asked those surveyed why poor women should be forced to go to an abortion vendor for healthcare. And, perhaps if the media would do a little bit of research, they would point out the pro-abortion views of groups like Kaiser when they release a poll.
Somehow, I doubt they will.