Abortion Pill

Abortion pill regret: I was lied to, pressured, and have been unable to conceive again

child loss, abortion, abortion pill, fertility, miscarriage

A woman who took the abortion pill shared her story of regret on the website AbortionChangesYou.com. She was newly married when she missed her period and suspected she was pregnant, and her pregnancy was confirmed at Planned Parenthood. When she got home from the appointment, she said she was “excited, scared, anxious… any and every emotion went through my mind.”

She and her husband had just had a discussion in which they agreed they did not want any children for the time being and would seek abortion if she got pregnant. But when she actually became pregnant, she had mixed feelings. “I wanted this baby but I wasn’t ready,” she said. “I had just gotten married, still didn’t know what I wanted to do career-wise.”

After making the abortion appointment, she still struggled with the decision. At one point, she decided she wanted to have her child – but her husband disagreed:

It was the longest week and a half in my life. In that time, I kept going back and forth, back and forth about having this baby. I was really thinking about having it when I spoke to my husband again about it. I remember him telling me, “well, don’t expect me to be too happy with the idea of having it if you decide to keep it. I won’t be too loving.” That was a knife through my heart, and I made the tough decision to go through with the abortion.

READ: Post-abortion trauma is real, and researchers do women no favors by denying it

During the day of the abortion, she “shut down emotionally.” She said she was shown some sort of video at the abortion facility but remembers none of it. She saw her baby on the ultrasound screen, but it did not deter her from having the abortion.

She recalls receiving the mifepristone from the abortion worker:

When I was finally called back [the abortion worker] gave me the first abortion pill. I remember that before she could even finish saying, “make sure you are 100% percent sure before taking this pill. Because once this pill is taken you can not [sic] look back,” I took the pill with no hesitation. I just wanted out of there and didn’t want to think about it ever again.

Of course, the abortion worker was not being truthful. Abortion pill reversal is possible. Below, one young woman named Rebecca tells the story of how her abortion was reversed and she now has a beautiful, healthy son:


The woman described a whole night of “excruciating pain, crying, and bleeding” after taking the abortion pill.

She and her husband have not spoken about the abortion since. She now feels guilty about the abortion and has thus far been unable to conceive again:

After the abortion we never spoke about it again but, it never left my mind. The guilt haunts me until this day. I think about how old my baby would be and if it would have been a boy or girl. I tucked away my feelings for years until recently. My husband and I are trying to conceive and haven’t had any luck. I blame him and I blame myself. I can’t seem to forgive myself and I know that’s not a good thing. I get really depressed and think that God is punishing me for not standing up to my husband and keeping the baby. I know I have to begin the healing process and forgive myself for this horrible mistake.

It’s unknown whether the abortion contributed to her infertility. But this woman was not empowered by her abortion, but instead left with guilt and regret.

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