Today is Abortion Provider Appreciation Day for abortion supporters, and no doubt they’ll be singing the praises of those whom they consider “brave” who are said to be motivated by their compassion for women. They “Trust Women” by providing so-called “abortion care” every day. But celebrating people who are essentially hired killers seems… well, in a word: wrong.
Here’s just a short list of some of the most notorious abortionists who will no doubt be “appreciated” today by some. It’s unlikely you’ll hear these facts from mainstream media or abortion supporters:
Warren Hern
- Operates the Boulder Abortion Clinic in Colorado, where he offers late-term abortion (one of just a handful in the United States) and routinely does second and third trimester abortions.
- Was recently sued for leaving a skull fragment inside a patient, leaving her sterile.
- Views the human child in the womb — no matter the stage — as a “fertilized egg.” “Sure it becomes more physically developed but it lacks emotional development. It doesn’t have the mental capacity for self-awareness. It’s never been an ethical dilemma for me,” he has said.
- On Hern’s website, he links to papers and speeches which present the idea that “the human species displays the characteristics of a malignant process.”
Susan Robinson
- Late-term abortionist who has admitted that often, late-term abortions are done because patients just don’t know they’re pregnant until later. And when patients find they’re too far along at that point to abort, she says, “They either give up or have a baby, or they go on the Internet and they find us.”
- Has used the term “birth” to refer to the delivery of a stillborn child killed through an injection of feticide.
- Admitted to aborting a 37-week, full-term preborn child, and has called the preborn baby “a tough little object.”
Curtis Boyd
- Late-term abortionist who operates the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion chain. The Albuquerque facility was caught on tape willing to abort a 30-week preborn child for the “mother’s stress” due to her husband’s job loss.
- Has admitted that he knows he is “killing” when he commits abortions.
- Was once an ordained Baptist minister but now considers himself Unitarian.
- Was the abortionist on duty when Keisha Marie Atkins had a late-term abortion, from which she died shortly thereafter.
LeRoy Carhart
- Late-term abortionist who is responsible for the deaths of at least two women: Christin Gilbert and Jennifer Morbelli. He is responsible for the injuries of many more.
- Has stated that “life begins when the mother thinks it begins.”
Some of the above mentioned abortionists were featured in a late-term abortion documentary called “After Tiller.”
Here are some more abortionists of note, but who should definitely not be “appreciated”:
Kermit Gosnell – He killed multiple born-alive infants following botched abortions and was also responsible for the death of abortion patient Karnamaya Mongar. See more of Gosnell’s story in the movie, “Gosnell,” and in the documentary, “3801 Lancaster.”
Douglas Karpen – Known as the “Texas Gosnell,” Karpen employees said that they witnessed him twisting accidentally born-alive babies heads off their necks or stabbing their soft spots with his index finger to kill them.
Willie Parker – He commits abortions past viability, and has compared himself to Jesus Christ and claims to be a Christian.
Steven Brigham – His medical license has been “revoked, relinquished, or suspended” in at least five states.
Vikram Kaji – He is a convicted sex offender who sexually abused patients — and is the business partner of abortionist Steven Brigham (mentioned above).
Gabrielle Goodrick – She has compared abortion to removing a gallbladder and has complained about having to be accountable to the state in operating an abortion business. Her medical license was restricted after employees said she was using narcotics herself while committing abortions.
Carolyn Westhoff – Once a senior medical advisor for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she has disappeared from their roster after being caught bragging about having “fresh” aborted baby body parts including “gonads” from baby boys. She has fought against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and has authored several pro-abortion studies.
Mandy Gittler – She is responsible for the death of Tonya Reaves following an abortion at a Chicago Planned Parenthood, after she left Reaves to bleed out for five hours from a perforated uterus before calling 911.
Lisa Harris – A Planned Parenthood abortionist, she has admitted that aborted preborn babies look like pro-lifers photos. However, she continues to abort children even after having a tearful experience after her own preborn child kicked at the exact moment she removed the leg from another woman’s child.
Timothy Liveright – An abortionist at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, Liveright was said to have sexually harassed employees and patients, and a formal complaint was filed because of “unprofessional… inappropriate conduct” including “yelling, screaming, and cursing” around employees and patients.
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