Many Americans refuse to believe it, but babies can and do survive abortions. It is shocking just how often a baby is born alive during the abortion meant to kill him, but according to the CDC, between 2003 and 2014 at least 143 babies died after initially surviving abortions. That number is considered to be a low estimate.
What makes this even more horrible is that these babies could have survived if they had been given medical attention, but instead they were treated with zero respect, no dignity, and absolutely no compassion. In fact, they were treated worse than most humans would treat an animal they found in the street. We know the stories of at least two of these babies, and the details are heartbreaking.
Baby Rowan was alive and well at 22 weeks gestation when his mother “Angele” decided to have an abortion simply because, as the divorced mother of two, she didn’t want a third baby. She chose not to have a dismemberment (D&E) abortion in favor of an induced labor abortion. Baby Rowan was supposed to die in her womb after the abortionist injected digoxin into his heart to kill him. But that injection never happened, and Rowan was born alive at an age at which many children have survived and thrived with medical attention.
“I started sobbing and lay down [on] the floor,” recalled Angele. “I stared and stared at my son. I was horrified that I had just had him in a commode. His right leg moved. He curled up a bit like he was cold; I screamed [for help]! No one came.”
After the clinic worker finally arrived, Angele told her that her son was alive and moving and asked her to call 911. But she wouldn’t.

Baby Rowan
“She took a quick look, said he’s not moving now and she’d be back to take care of things while walking out,” said Angele. “I called her again. I was touching Rowan softly and he moved again. I called her back. Rowan jumped, I think startled by the loud sound of my calling for help. I showed her that he was moving and alive. I begged her to hurry and call 911, now!”
But despite Angele’s pleading for someone to help her son, those cries were ignored by the medical staff present. Rowan died in his mother’s arms.

Close up of baby Rowan
“I stayed beside Rowan talking to him, telling him how strong he was being and how proud I was of him. I told him God must really want us to be together for him to make it through everything he had just been through and that Mommy was so sorry but so happy to have a chance to love him,” explained Angele. “I told him he was a strong little miracle and that I couldn’t wait for him to meet his brother and sister. I just kept touching him, trying to warm him with my hands and talking to him so he would not feel any more afraid than he already must.”
A nurse named Caren tells the story of a baby she found left alone to die after he had survived an abortion. That baby was also aborted at 22 weeks. His mother had chosen to end his life because he had a chromosomal abnormality. While Caren wasn’t involved in the abortion, the nurse who had been caring for the mother had taken a break, and Caren stepped in to help.
“I went into the sluice room and the baby was in the kidney dish in at the sink where all the clinical waste is flushed,” explained Caren. “The baby was born alive and the baby was then taken from the mother – the mother never saw the baby – the baby as put into a kidney dish and brought away from her room and to the sluice room and left there just to die.”
Caren said the baby was small but “perfect” and slightly larger than her hands. She could see his toes and his blonde hair. She could also see his chest moving up and down as he breathed. He had been there for at least an hour and a half – alone and naked in a cold, metal kidney dish. Caren said she wasn’t allowed to do a single thing to help him or comfort him in any way, but yet, in the NICU children the same age were being loved and treated with compassion and care.
Caren had to leave the room, and when she returned the baby had died and the other nurse had disposed of his body.
“He’s a human being and a person. You can’t deny it,” she said. “You can’t deny that that child was a son. It is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. … There’s no dignity in it. There is no respect in it. There is absolutely no justice in it.”
Human children — alive, suffering, and none of the adults doing anything to help them. And it’s all in the name of “choice.” These children deserved better. They deserved to be loved, to be cared for, and to be treated with respect and dignity. They deserved to live.
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