Abortion organizations, businesses, and funding groups are taking part in what has been dubbed “abortion trafficking” by openly enticing minor children to cross state lines to obtain an abortion. While “abortion trafficking” may not rise to the level of sex trafficking in the minds of some, the idea of a child being enticed away from the protection of their family by a stranger for any reason is disturbing.
Abortion is a business which profits from increasing clients — but many feel that perfect strangers arranging for children to travel across state lines without parental knowledge is reminiscent of child sexual predators utilizing social media and other nefarious tools and promises to take advantage of innocent teens.
In 2022, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) received 19,000 reports of possible child sex trafficking alone.

Abortion Trafficking Jane’s Due Process website travel assistance to teens for abortion
Karl Eastlund, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho (PPGWNI), recently told PBS Newshour that teens who are sexually abused often come to Planned Parenthood, and some travel from out of state.
“We often get teenagers coming here, who are 15 weeks pregnant, 20 weeks pregnant, farther along in the pregnancy than they ever imagined – they didn’t even know they were pregnant many of them – because of abuse, and it’s abuse in the home. We are talking about sexual abuse and incest, which is unfortunately a reason many teenagers have to seek abortion,” Eastlund said.
While Eastlund cited no evidence for his claim, Live Action’s Aiding Abusers investigation has demolished the pro-abortion media’s illusion that Big Abortion is a trusted source for sexually abused minors by documenting how Planned Parenthood and the wider abortion industry has covered for child sexual abusers.
In addition, Live Action and Live Action News have documented (here, here, here, here, here, here, and here) multiple criminal cases in which sexually abused teens were taken to abortion businesses and Planned Parenthood facilities — sometimes out of state — to cover the crime of rape. In addition, Live Action News has also documented individual predatory sexual abuse and harassment allegations among staffers associated with the abortion industry (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here).
Enticing Teens Out of State with Abortion Funds
In June of this year, the pro-abortion Ms. Magazine promoted funding teen abortion travel, writing, “Jane’s Due Process is now providing travel funding for Texas teens accessing abortion in states where care is legal. In February, Judge Robert Pitman temporarily blocked prosecutions of abortion funds helping people travel out of state for abortion care” (emphasis added).
“Jane’s Due Process’s hotline is fully open and operational, providing case management, travel coordination and booking, emotional support, and procedural funding. They will support teens through the entire process, ensuring they access the care they deserve. If you’re under 18, in Texas, and considering abortion, call Jane’s Due Process at [phone number redacted],” Ms. Magazine added (emphasis added).
The group’s May 1, 2023, Instagram post (see below) clearly states the group’s willingness to not only fund the travel of a minor but to “schedule” their appointment and “book” their travel for them.

Jane’s Due Process offers travel assistance to teens for abortion (Image: Instagram)
The pro-abortion group Jane’s Due Process even took advantage of the “Barbie” craze to entice teens to travel, writing on Twitter, “Us on our way to help Texas teens travel for abortion access. If you’re a Texas teen needing support to access abortion in another state, call 24/7 or text between 8 am and 11 pm CT [phone number redacted].” In a separate Twitter post, @JanesDueProcess wrote, “On May 1st we started helping TX teens travel out of state for abortion care, and in just the 1st month we did 30 intakes. If you’re under 18, in Texas, and need an abortion, call or text us at [phone number redacted]” (emphases added).

Jane’s Due Process offers travel assistance to teens for abortion (Image Twitter)
The abortion chain FPA Women’s Health claims on its abortion travel web page that minors do not need parental consent or knowledge because “California does not require parental notification.” In the video below, FPA advertises that several of their 25 locations are “conveniently located close to California airports.”
New York’s abortion website claims, “If you are a teenager, you can get sexual health services, including abortion care, at a clinic without your parents’ permission or knowledge.” They then link to abortion travel and funding organizations like the New York Abortion Access Fund (NYAAF) which states online that “NYAAF works with minors and we respect your privacy” (emphases added).
In May, the Alamo Women’s Clinic posted to its Facebook page, “Texas Teens – if you are under 18 and seeking an abortion, there is funding available. Abortions Care and all travel and expenses are FREE. Compassionate, Kind and Discreet staff. No Parental consent is needed in Albuquerque or Illinois. Call us for help” (emphasis added).
The abortion chain then posted the list of over 300 abortion funding groups to its website.

Abortion trafficking: Alamo Women’s abortion clinic encourages teens to cross state lines for abortion (Image Facebook)
Alamo, previously located in Texas and Oklahoma and operated by abortionist Alan Richard Braid, announced plans to close its San Antonio and Tulsa facilities last year. They eventually relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Carbondale, Illinois.
The underlying question in all of this is:
Should Big Abortion and its supporters be exploiting underaged girls with “abortion trafficking,” which could potentially be placing them at risk of coming in contact with nefarious individuals who may not have their best interests at heart?
The State of Idaho thinks not, and recently “created the crime of ‘abortion trafficking,’ punishable by a minimum of two years in prison,” according to CNN. Abortion proponents swiftly filed a lawsuit to oppose the legislation.
“The advocates say the new law could be interpreted broadly and potentially used to arrest and prosecute someone who helps a minor access an abortion even if they had obtained parental consent before assisting the young person,” Crosscut.com reported.
Idaho H.B. 98 essentially amends the definition of “human trafficking” in the Idaho code to include “[r]ecruiting, harboring, or transporting a pregnant minor with the intent to deprive the pregnant minor’s parent of knowledge of, and to procure, a criminal abortion.” According to Planned Parenthood, who opposes the measure, the “penalty for such recruitment, harboring, or transporting is two to five years imprisonment.”
In addition, some jurisdictions in states like Texas are also passing ‘abortion trafficking’ measures, according to attorney Jonathan F. Mitchell, considered an architect of the private-enforcement provision of the Texas Heartbeat law.
Mitchell told Live Action News, “There are a few local jurisdictions in Texas that have laws banning ‘abortion trafficking,’ which is what Jane’s Due Process is engaged in. So, it would be against the law to assist a resident of those cities or counties to leave the state to obtain an abortion. It is also illegal to transport anyone to obtain an abortion if the travel begins, ends, or passes through a city or county with these laws.”