On Wednesday, an abortion industry worker tweeted what pro-life activists have long known — there is such a thing as being “pro-abortion.” And he loves abortion so much, he adorned a Christmas tree with an abortionist’s brutal weapon in place of the traditional Christmas star or angel topper. The tweet and Twitter account have since been deleted.
This person works for or supports “Care Repro,” which specializes in abortion through 40 weeks of pregnancy. It was founded by Leroy Carhart, who was recorded describing fully developed dead babies as coming out like “meat in a crockpot.” https://t.co/GQk9gMLnrp pic.twitter.com/irZJTqFOL7
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) December 9, 2020
“IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TOP OUR TOPPER. #proabortion #abortions #christmas,” Michael Saenz tweeted, along with a photo of a Christmas tree topped with two Sopher clamps.
What is a Sopher clamp? It’s a steel clamp with rows of sharp teeth designed for tearing and crushing. Former abortionist Anthony Levatino explained in a video for Live Action that when preborn babies are too large to be suctioned apart in a D&C abortion, abortionists turn to a Sopher clamp to carry out the violent and inhumane D&E dismemberment abortion:
This is a grasping instrument. When it gets ahold of something it does not let go. The abortionist uses this clamp to grasp an arm or a leg. Once he has a firm grip, the abortionist pulls hard in order to tear the limb from the baby’s body. One by one, the rest of the limbs are removed, along with the intestines, the spine, and the heart and lungs.
Usually, the most difficult part of the procedure is extracting the baby’s head, which is about the size of a large plum at 20 weeks. The head is grasped and crushed. The abortionist knows he has crushed the skull when a white substance comes out of the cervix — this was the baby’s brains. The abortionist then removes skull pieces.
READ: Three facts that debunk the myth of ‘safe abortion’
According to Linkedin, Saenz has worked for CARE — Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence — as both a patient care technician and marketing director. CARE is owned by notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who operates facilities in Nebraska and Maryland and is responsible for the mutilation and deaths of women who have come to him for late-term abortions. Below is a tweet showing how CARE offers “remembrance boxes” for women after they have their children killed by lethal injection in the womb:
These are handprints and footprints of babies—vulnerable, helpless people— who were murdered by being forced into cardiac arrest before being removed from their mom. “Even Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.” https://t.co/2LVeSFUF9A
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) December 9, 2020
As Stuckey mentioned in her previous tweet, Carhart was caught on a recording describing an aborted baby as “meat in a crock pot.” He also joked that he used an abortion “tool kit” which included things like a “pickaxe” and a “drill bit.” In reality, Carhart’s instruments of death are just like the ones pictured on the Christmas tree Saenz posted. Carhart’s callous statements were made on one of Live Action’s InHuman investigation videos and can be viewed here.
Saenz is also connected to We are Pro-Abortion, Inc, which sells pro-abortion merchandise including items that say “I’m cool with Abortions,” and “Abortions are magical.”
Christmas celebrates the birth of the Savior of the world. Saenz’s Christmas decor celebrates instruments of death used to literally tear the limbs off of pain-capable preborn babies. Saenz’s tweet reveals the warped nature that exists inside the abortion industry, and is proof that there are people who really are “pro-abortion,” who love and celebrate its barbarity and find joy in the destruction of innocent children.
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