Guest Column

Abortion worker and women ‘shocked’ by later-term babies aborted by pill

(Sarah Terzo – Substack) Juno Carey is a midwife who works in the abortion industry. In her 2024 book A Necessary Kindness: Stories from the Frontline of Abortion Care, she describes different things she witnessed or experienced at the two abortion facilities where she worked.

Giving the Abortion Pill Without an Ultrasound

Carey is as pro-abortion as they come and is still an abortion worker today.

Carey is British and the abortion facilities in the book are in England. However the two facilities operate similarly to abortion facilities in the US and provide the same “services.”

An abortion facility where Carey worked sold the abortion pill until the 10th week of pregnancy. In the US, some abortion pill providers, such as 199 Abortion Telemedicine (which does telehealth abortions – the pregnant person never sets foot in a clinic, has no ultrasound or pregnancy test, and is never seen by a doctor) offer the abortion pill up to 13 weeks.

Carey’s abortion facility also gave pregnant people the abortion pill without examining them. A pregnant person could have the abortion pill shipped to them after a phone call.

Even those who came to the facility weren’t usually given ultrasounds. Carey says that her facility only did ultrasounds in special cases, such as when the pregnant person said they didn’t know when their last period was and didn’t know how far along they were, or when the pregnancy occurred in someone with an IUD.

Women Shocked by Seeing Their Aborted Babies

Carey says that although she would tell people taking the abortion pill what their aborted babies would look like afterward, seeing the aborted baby “can be shocking for some, and women have called me quite distressed.”

Carey says:

I try to be clear in both medical and relatable terms: ‘From your scan, you’re about six weeks, so you’ll probably pass some blood clots and tissue. You might see a sac approximately the size of a baked bean, which is the pregnancy itself.’

When the woman gets closer to ten weeks, I explain that she ‘might see something recognizable. This could be tiny limbs. It will only be the size of a strawberry.’

… A 10-week-old preborn baby is already right or left handed. If biologically female, she has ovaries and a uterus of her own. He or she not only has hands and fingers, but also fingerprints.

“Something recognizable” hardly covers it.

Babies Aborted Further Along in Pregnancy

Carey says that sometimes, people having abortions were wrong about how far along they were, and their babies, when they came out, were beyond 10 weeks and more developed. She says:

In the clinic, there are rare instances when a woman will be adamant about the date of her last period and will be wrong.

This possibility is always made clear to them when they fill out their consent form, in the hope that they will be as prepared as possible for what may occur during their termination.

Of course, they could just do an ultrasound to eliminate this problem. But that is apparently too inconvenient.

Carey goes on to say:

[I]t’s sometimes these women, at a slightly later stage of pregnancy, who will call the helpline and will send me a photo from their phone of what they can see.

This can include eyes, fingers, and toes, and even I can sometimes still find these images shocking.

Carey worked for years at an abortion facility that did surgical abortions all the way up to the 24th week. Earlier in her book, she describes watching a 20-week abortion and seeing arms, legs, and other recognizable body parts being pulled from the pregnant person’s body.

What would shock someone like her? How far along are these babies?

Carey doesn’t say.

Downplaying Women’s Emotional Reactions

She also seems to downplay the emotional impact of seeing the bodies on the callers. She says, “Often, [the callers] just need reassurance that they are going through a normal abortion.”

Carey worked in a late-term abortion facility for years where she’s seen (and assisted in) many abortions throughout the first two trimesters. If she finds the pictures of aborted babies shocking, one can only imagine how the women feel….

Continue reading at Sarah Terzo’s Substack.

Editor’s Note: This article was published at Sarah Terzo’s Substack and is reprinted here with permission.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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