
Abortion workers claim to ‘respect the life’ of babies they abort

abortion, newborn

Abortion Clinic Days is a blog where abortion workers write about their experiences working in abortion facilities. The text at the top of the blog says, “abortion providers tell stories about their work and the people they help.” These are blog posts by abortion workers still in the abortion industry, and the posts all relate to different aspects of running an abortion facility. One post in particular is disturbing because it addresses the way some women and workers justify killing children.

Under the heading “respect for life,” the blog says:

many years ago i remember a patient telling me that she chose our clinic because she could tell that we respected her and knew that we would therefore respect the life within her. it was very important to her that she have trust in the clinic she chose because she felt that, given her life circumstances, returning her baby to god was the kindest, most maternal thing she could do for it. 

i assured her that her feeling was correct, that we in fact do all we can to honor the life that women are unable to continue and we encourage them to find their own way to make peace with the pregnancy (whether it be a baby or a “pre-baby” to them), figure out how to forgive themselves and also to continue working through any religious or spiritual issues if they have them.

How can an abortion facility “respect the life” of a baby by killing him or her? Anyone can kill a person and frame it as “returning that person to God,” or even use the idea to defend the killing of someone facing possible future suffering (which is every person on earth). “Returning someone to God” is a euphemism for murder. Killing someone not only deprives that person of future suffering, but of future happiness. The woman is claiming that killing her child is in the child’s best interest, but this reframing of killing as an act of kindness is self-deceiving and illogical, whether she truly believes that her baby is better off being dead or not. The abortion facility workers are supporting this delusion or rationalization.

Also, these statements unintentionally acknowledge that the baby being killed is a person. The abortion workers acknowledge that the “baby” or “pre-baby” is a life. There is no reason to “honor the life” of mere tissue. If workers know that they are killing babies, it is twisted thinking to believe they are improving the lives of women by sacrificing their children.

The blog goes on to say:

our clinic is the kind of place where women can ask, as one did today, if we would bless and baptize her baby. i was able to do that for her. honoring her pregnancy as she herself chooses is part of what we hope to do for each woman.  using water (she had planned to bring holy water with her but had at the last minute forgotten it) and saying the words i know from my catholic upbringing, i did as she asked. she had a name in mind for the baby, one that could work for either gender and i gave it that name.

we want to be a clinic that respects life, that honors women’s choices. the two are compatible. believe me!

This quote also reveals that both the abortion workers and the woman know abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. No one wants to baptize a tumor that has been removed. No one talks about “respecting the life” of a kidney stone or an amputated limb. Anyone who wanted to baptize pulled wisdom teeth would be looked upon as insane. But it makes sense to baptize a child.

Why baptize removed tissue? Because the “tissue” is really a baby.

This abortion worker is willing to kill a child and tells herself that by baptizing the dead child, she is somehow respecting his or her life. Would she feel the same way about a toddler or older child? If it were legal to kill the elderly or disabled, would she take part if she could “respect” their lives afterwards?

The way to respect a baby’s life is by not killing him or her. I wouldn’t want someone to “respect my life” by murdering me — even if they tried to honor my life afterwards.

This abortion worker says she honors preborn babies by baptizing their mutilated corpses. And they are human corpses. This blog post is a clear example of how twisted pro-abortion rationalizations can be.

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