
Abortion workers vent hatred at pro-lifers for telling the truth about abortion

abortion, feminists, late-term abortion, Planned Parenthood, abortionist, forced to abort, dismemberment abortion

In a previous Live Action article, I quoted abortion facility workers venting their hatred at pro-lifers. For example, one abortion worker said:

The feeling of violation, of [their] violating my space, of them filthying my space… with their presence!… I mean, I realized that I could kill a human being. I realize that if I got my hands on them, I was gonna rip them apart… I knew I could strangle one of them. I just knew it.

Another said:

My gut feeling is: I hate [pro-lifers]. I want them to die! But realistically, I mean, I’ve come to the point where if I can’t deal with it, it’s like I want to yell at them and hit them over the head with a [f——] Bible and go, “you’re stupid! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Other abortion workers have said similar things. “Abortion Counseling: A Clinician’s Guide to Psychology, Legislation, Politics, and Competency” is a training manual for abortion facility workers. In the book, violent thoughts and feelings toward pro-lifers are given tacit approval.

In one passage, an abortion worker describes how seeing pro-life signs made her “enraged.”

As counselors we are cynical and joke about the protesters amongst ourselves, but we do not want the patient upset, so it ends there. At home is a different story. If I see something, a protester, or a Choose Life license plate, it takes everything in my power to not run the person off the road. It makes me so angry and aggressive. It’s become my cause so I take it extremely personal. I get mad when I see people being so callous and judgmental. I was driving home from a road trip vacation a few weeks ago when I passed a very religious part of the state. There were antiabortion signs along the Turnpike for at least an hour, one after another. I became enraged!1

This abortion worker wants to murder pro-lifers by running them off the road.

Warren Hern, who kills babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy, calls the pro-life movement “the face of fascism.”

He holds himself up as a hero to women. For example, he writes about spending time with an abortion patient after her abortion:

 She cried after the operation for sadness and relief. Her tears and the immensity of the moment brought my tears. I had helped her change her life. I was relieved that this young woman was safe to go on with her dreams. I thought I had found a new definition of the idea of medicine as an act of compassion and love for one’s fellow human beings.

This is the way Hern portrays himself to the public. But in his book “Abortion Practice, meant only for other abortion providers, he describes his life’s work much more bluntly:

A long curved Mayo scissors may be necessary to decapitate and dismember the fetus…. The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember.

Hern dismembers babies on a regular basis, but says pro-lifers are the ones to be abhorred:

[Pro-lifers] are, with few exceptions, vicious, irrational, absolutely ruthless, unscrupulous, pitiless, and driven by hatred. They are willing to accept any level of violence, not to mention social disruption and imposition of emotional pain to reach their goals.

In another article, Hern says of pro-life sidewalk counselors, who offer help to women considering abortion:

The vultures in the Amazon are much more moral and pleasing creatures than the vultures on my sidewalk…They’re here to inflict pain, fear and death.

The abortionist projects onto pro-lifers the violence that he himself commits.

Hern is not the only abortion provider who describes abortion in rosy terms. An abortion facility worker said the following on her blog:

Abortion is utmost motherhood—a woman transpiring her valued comfort zone to preserve the destiny of her offspring. Abortion is life and death. A code of honor. A sacred rite.

The title of her blog post was Every Day is Mother’s Day at the Abortion Clinic.

Unfortunately for abortionists like Hern and this unnamed abortion worker, pro-lifers show the public that abortion is not heroic, compassionate, or sacred. Pro-lifers let people know what abortion is really like.  They show the brutal violence of the abortion procedures, and teach how abortion hurts women and children.

Because the pro-life narrative conflicts with the image abortion workers want to portray of themselves, pro-lifers are hated. Those who fight abortion are bound to make enemies of those who do not want the truth to get out about what they do. But if it wasn’t for pro-lifers, the pro-abortion narratives of these abortion workers would go unchallenged.

Because the abortion industry lies to women and to the public, presenting abortion as a good thing, pro-lifers must continue to tell the public the truth.

  1. Rachel B Needle, Lenore EA Walker Abortion Counseling: A Clinician’s Guide to Psychology, Legislation, Politics, and Competency (New York: New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2008) 163


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