
Abortionist: ‘I think abortion in all trimesters is beautiful’

abortion, Live Action, prenatal diagnosis, kansas, late abortion, abortion, D&E

(LifeSite News) — With the fall of Roe v. Wade, the abortion industry and the Democratic Party have kicked into high gear disseminating as much disinformation as possible. Predictably, they are attempting to frame their position on abortion — which is fully legal throughout all nine months, for any reason or for no reason at all, funded by the government — as one of compassion.

When pro-lifers highlight the barbarism of the procedure, which becomes ever more gruesome as the child grows in the womb and becomes more difficult to kill, abortion activists insist that these procedures are rare and only procured by those pregnant with children who have fetal abnormalities. 

This is a lie, but has become the standard public relations line. This was how the debate was framed on a recent episode of Dr. Phil, in which Live Action founder Lila Rose brilliantly rebutted pro-abortion misinformation in a segment titled: “Carry to Bury.” Not mentioned by those defending abortion, of course, is the fact that the child will have to be buried whether or not he or she is allowed to be born — buried, or burned or thrown away. 

If journalists were actually curious about what goes on during an abortion — not to mention a late-term abortion — they would not only do more research, but they would perhaps quote what abortionists say when they don’t think the press is listening.

In a recent episode of the Feminist Buzzkills podcast, for example, Karishma Oza, the patient director for the DuPont Clinic in Washington, D.C., rebuts nearly all of her industry’s talking points. The DuPont abortion clinic does abortions up to 32 weeks, and Oza thinks that these late-term abortions are beautiful. 

READ: Chrissy Teigen now claims her miscarriage was actually an abortion. Here’s why she’s wrong.

“I was talking to one of our doulas a few days ago…about how it’s a myth that having an abortion, you know, in the second or third trimester is always a hard decision. For a lot of people, it’s not. For a lot of people it’s like, this is what I’m doing. I’m having an abortion at 28 weeks,” she explained with a laugh. 

In fact, says Oza, they have women who come back for more than one late-term abortion.

“You know, I love the calls we get from return patients. And they’re like: ‘Karishma, it’s me! I’m calling! I’m here for my abortion again!’ I’m like: ‘Who’s me? Who’s calling?’ They’re like: ‘This is so-and-so from Tennessee.’ And I’m like: ‘Hey, what’s up?’ And they’re like: ‘I’m 24 weeks again. When can you see me?’ And I’m like, at the time it’s like: ‘Why didn’t you get care in your state?’ And it’s like: ‘Well, I’m coming to you all because I loved my abortion. I loved my experience at DuPont Clinic.’”

Oza is right — that’s not true. Late-term abortions often happen simply because someone does not want to have a baby — not that the procedure is any more justifiable when utilized to kill a baby with a dire diagnosis. But it is essential to peel away the perky delivery and laughter of her answers to highlight what she is talking about here. Here is what a second trimester abortion consists of:

The abortion procedure you just saw described and demonstrated can be done up to 24 weeks — the age of the two babies Oza’s “return patient” was procuring abortions for. Here, for further reference, is what a baby looks like at 24 weeks in the womb: 

As for even later-term abortions — and Oza’s clinic does abortions up until (at least) 28 weeks, here is an abortionist describing one way babies are killed at that age: 

A truly free and fair press would be carefully interrogating the claims of a multi-million-dollar industry that makes claims in public that it makes no attempt to defend in private.

When David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress took video footage of abortionist conferences where horrifying admissions were made, they instead responded by doing everything in their power to discredit the videos rather than report on what the videos revealed. Even discussions of dismembering children between abortionists engaging in feticide shoptalk were not published. In the American press, if it bleeds, it leads — unless the victim was a pre-born child. 

The pro-life movement is the first major human rights movement to face constant opposition from the press, and the abortion industry is the most successful human rights abuser to have nearly the entire fifth estate running cover for their crimes. 

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published at LifeSite News and is reprinted here with permission. 

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