
Abortionist at LeRoy Carhart’s former Nebraska abortion facility has died of brain cancer

Less than a year after abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s death, one of the abortionists who took his place has died of brain cancer.

According to Operation Rescue, Gary Siegel died on November 1st at the age of 65 after a brief battle with brain cancer. Siegel, along with many of the abortionists hired to work at Carhart’s facility, seemingly had a problematic past; he lost his hospital privileges in Georgia after failing to perform a C-section in 2010, as well as for the death of a patient in 2015. He had also settled two malpractice lawsuits in 2016 for $1 million each.

After Carhart’s death, his daughter, Janine Weatherby, took over operation of the Nebraska facility, and vowed to keep it open. “One of his doctors that was working for us here has taken over that medical director spot, but it’s still going,” she said. “There’s enough doctors out there and people that want to help and follow in his footsteps. We’re not going anywhere.” Carhart was the subject of one of Live Action’s undercover investigations into late abortion facilities:

Yet the abortionists associated with Carhart’s facility have a less-than-stellar reputation.

Abortionist Tyrone Malloy was hired as Carhart’s replacement, serving as the facility’s medical director. Malloy had been convicted of Medicaid fraud in 2014, and served time in prison before having his license to practice medicine reinstated. He has also been accused of malpractice, including in the death of a 23-year-old woman, whose uterus and intestines he perforated during a dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion. He is currently not licensed to practice medicine in Nebraska.

Malloy commits abortions in Maryland, his home state, meaning other abortionists — like Siegel — committed abortions at Carhart’s Nebraska facility. Malloy is under investigation for fraud for allegedly continuing to see abortion clients under Carhart’s license.

One of the additional abortionists is Tamar Middleton, who was sued by a former patient who alleged Middleton lied about her background and hid the risks of the late-term abortion procedure the patient was about to undergo. The patient suffered a lacerated cervix, a perforated uterus, and multiple uterine blood vessels were sheared. Despite all of this, the patient was left hemorrhaging alone in a recovery room for an hour. As she begged for someone to call an ambulance, the staff allegedly ignored her and derided her pain. Once she was finally taken to the emergency room, her uterus had to be removed to save her life.

Abortions at Carhart’s Nebraska facility continued the very next day after Siegel’s death, allegedly committed by Jill Meadows, a Planned Parenthood abortionist who fought alongside Carhart for the “right” to commit partial-birth abortions.

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