Leroy Carhart
Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has sent another patient to the hospital – the third in less than three months. An ambulance was called on February 4 to Carhart’s facility in Bellevue (hear the 911 call here), Nebraska (this patient’s health status is currently unknown) – but his Germantown, Maryland, facility has seen its share of ambulance calls as well.
In fact, Operation Rescue reports that the two other most recent emergencies occurred in Germantown on January 19, 2016, and on December 15, 2015.
But this isn’t unusual for Carhart, who has a history of injuring and even killing women who have come to him for late-term abortions. Operation Rescue also states that “[t]he January 19 injury in Maryland and the February 4 emergency in Nebraska combine for a total of eleven medical emergencies documented by Operation Rescue since 2012”:
• February 4, 2016, Bellevue, NE: Woman transported to hospital. (Video)
• January 19, 2016, Germantown, MD: Late-term abortion patient bleeding seriously transported to hospital. (Video and 911 recording)
• December 15, 2015, Germantown, MD: Abortion patient transported to emergency room while Carhart accompanies.
• July 2, 2014, Germantown, MD: African-American abortion patient transported to hospital.
• April 26, 2014, Bellevue, NE: Patient, 37, suffered from abdominal pain after Carhart had an “issue with the procedure.” (Video with 911 recording)
• March 4, 2014, Germantown, MD: Patient hemorrhaged after 2nd trimester abortion complications.
• November 30, 2013, Bellevue, NE: Patient suffered 2nd trimester abortion complications.
• November 26, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient required emergency surgery. (Video with 911 recording)
• July 9, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient hemorrhaged. (Video with 911 recording)
• February 7, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient Jennifer Morbelli died of 3rd trimester abortion complications. (Autopsy Report)
• March 31, 2012, Bellevue, NE: Patient heard moaning and screaming during 911 call (Video with 911 recording.)
Carhart, according to Operation Rescue, “has no hospital privileges anywhere, and hasn’t since 1982.” Perhaps this is because Carhart’s practices aren’t just questionable – they’re completely unsafe.
In 2013, Live Action exposed Carhart’s abortion practices in the InHuman video series, in which Carhart told an undercover investigator posing as a patient not to worry if she went into labor before making it to his facility – they had a plan for this. Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek remarked at the time:
If this isn’t cause for an investigation by state regulators in Maryland, I don’t know what is. After warning the investigator not to call 911 if she senses something amiss in her hotel room, Carhart incredibly states he sets mothers up with self-delivery packs. Completing late-term abortions in hotel rooms must certainly violate all sorts of OSHA and state health and safety laws. And how would hotels like the thought of abortions being completed on their premises?
Cassy Fiano previously reported on Carhart for Live Action News:
Carhart has a long history of maiming his patients, including killing two of them: 19-year-old Christin Gilbert, who had Down syndrome and was seeking an abortion after being the victim of a sexual assault, and 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli, who chose to have an abortion after discovering that her daughter, Madison, had a fetal anomaly that caused seizures. In both cases, the women suffered from botched abortions. In both cases, Carhart was unavailable as their families desperately tried to reach him to get help.
Fiano also states that complaints against Carhart “go[] back decades” and include allegations that he altered charts, fell asleep during procedures and more:
Employees have also come forward to speak out about Carhart and the disgusting conditions he keeps his clinics in, including leaving blood on surgical instruments. Employees have also alleged illegal drug use among Carhart’s employees, and stated that narcotics would frequently go missing. He’s also been caught illegally dumping biohazardous waste, patient records, and dangerous drugs.
The fact that authorities continue to overlook Carhart’s offenses – which, as the recent ambulance calls indicate, continue today – should give women pause before visiting this abortionist. Carhart’s personal mantra may be “Trust Women,” but the question is… should women trust Carhart?