
Abortionist calls pro-life laws ‘white supremacist’, ignoring abortion industry’s targeting of minorities

Black, abortion

CNN recently featured an interview with an abortionist who asserted without evidence that pro-life laws are “white supremacist laws.” The remarks came in an interview by CNN’s Sara Sidner with Iman Alsaden, Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Great Plains.

CNN allows unfounded “white supremacists” claim to stand

Alsaden rehearsed the talking points of the abortion lobby about how abortion is normal and necessary — which it is not. She then went on to note that pro-life laws affect “Black and brown” women, adding that pro-life laws like those in Texas and Mississippi are “disproportionately controlling people that are Black and brown… low-income.” 

Alsaden then resorted to unfounded ad hominem attack, declaring, “A law that disproportionately affects that group of people [Black and brown, low-income] is a white supremacist law.” By this, Alsaden apparently means that pro-life laws are inherently racist and designed to advance the interests of white supremacists, a claim that is as absurd as it is incendiary.

With a track record for blatant bias on the issue of abortion, CNN did not question or address Alsaden’s claim. Sidner merely said in passing, “There’s a lot of people who would take issue with that statement that you’re making about white supremacy,” before moving on to her next point.

As a matter of fact, there are many people who “take issue” with Alsaden’s claim because it is demonstrably false.

Who is targeting minorities?

Alsaden is partially correct to say that laws restricting abortion disproportionately affect Black and minority women, but this is only because abortion businesses have made those populations their target customers. With abortion businesses strategically placed in minority neighborhoods and Planned Parenthood-run sex-ed classes funneling students to the abortion giant, ending the lives of “Black and brown” babies is the bread and butter of Big Abortion in the United States. 

During recent debate on a Connecticut state bill about abortion, Rep. Treneé McGee (D-West Haven), a rare pro-life Democrat, spoke about the pro-life perspective of Black Americans. She noted that the Black community has much more pressing concerns than expanding elective abortion. 

“I want to speak to the history of this industry and why I think it’s destructive to my community,” McGee said. She noted that although Black people account for 14% of the population, Black women represent 36.2% of all reported abortions. She added, “Black women have the highest abortion ratio in the country — 474 abortions per 1,000 live births.” 

To put those shocking statistics into perspective, consider that in recent years in New York City, more Black babies were killed in elective abortion than were born alive. Pro-life leaders are calling attention to the destruction of generations in minority communities across the country.

Abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who was aligned with white supremacists and even had a Ku Klux Klan leader on her American Birth Control League board. The racial targeting of the abortion industry seems not to be an accident but by design.

READ: Kanye West: Planned Parenthood is ‘white supremacist’

Mothers need real choices

Abortion is falsely presented as one of many positive choices that mothers can make. The reality is that cycles of violence and abuse, lack of material resources, and lack of community support often play a significant role in an abortion decision, causing some to call it “the unchoice.” Is the mother in a crisis helped by the abortion? After ending the life of an innocent child, she returns to the conditions that prompted her to end her child’s life; her situation remains the same. 

Yet, abortion activists continue to perpetuate the idea that abortion is a solution to social ills. While McGee shared the stark statistics of abortion among Black Americans, abortion lobbyists were claiming that women of color must have abortion to be equal. “We will never achieve gender equity or economic equity without full reproductive freedom,” Janée Woods Weber, the executive director of the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund, said. In other words, Woods Weber suggests that abortion is necessary to ensure the success of women.

Pro-lifers have worked to ensure that mothers have real choices that do not involve death: parenting or placing a child with a loving adoptive family. For any choice to ensure women’s success, they benefit from a strong community with material and social resources, which pro-lifers have worked to provide.

“It’s meant to be confusing”

Alsaden misrepresents pro-lifers, who are in favor of laws that protect all preborn babies from the violence of abortion — and fails to mention that legal abortion businesses have a documented history of targeting Black and minority communities

In the usual hyperbole of abortion advocacy, Alsaden said, “[Pro-life laws are] meant to confuse people and make them think that they don’t have access to their basic human rights where they live.” By throwing in a wholly unfounded claim of “white supremacy,” Alsaden is introducing confusion to the discussion. Is the baby in the womb a living person deserving of the right to life and protection under the law? That is the only question needed, and it is not one that concerns race.

In concluding her remarks, Alsaden claimed, “People were born with more rights than they have today,” because pro-life laws are expanding in so many states. But a “right” that includes the destruction of another human being cannot be called a “right” in a just society. 

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