Susan Robinson is a late-term abortionist — one of four glorified in the film “After Tiller.” Robinson worked with late-term abortionist George Tiller himself, and now continues to follow in his footsteps, taking the lives of practically full-term preborn babies, thanks to the fact that there are virtually no federal restrictions on abortion in the United States, or in New Mexico, where she is located. “So there is nothing legal to stop me from doing any abortion that I think is appropriate,” she quipped in an interview with the Irish Independent last year.
READ: Planned Parenthood abortionists describe in gruesome detail how they abort preborn children
Robinson explained that she uses ultrasounds to attempt to date the preborn babies whose lives she’ll be taking, but that this isn’t always accurate. “Let’s say the woman is at 31 weeks, well, given the inaccuracy of the ultrasound she could perfectly be 34 weeks. How would I feel if that happened?” she said, adding that she had previously committed an abortion on a baby she thought was 32 weeks old. But when she saw the body of the aborted baby, she realized the baby was actually at 37 weeks — which is considered full-term. “It was quite a moment,” she said.
The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean, taking it apart on day one is very difficult. …
You go in there, and you go, “Am I getting the uterus, or the fetus? Oh good, fetus. [stabbing sound effect] What have I got? Nothing. Let’s try again.”
(Video credit: Pro-Life Action League)
It’s perhaps not surprising, given the grotesque nature of Robinson’s work, that she has trouble being taken seriously by the medical community. “If you do abortions, it is very hard to get the privilege to work in a hospital, because they don’t like abortion providers,” she complained. “They are almost all done in outpatient clinics, free-standing clinics, in this country. Being an abortion provider is very stigmatized. Other doctors look down on you and think of you as like the lowest of the low.”
Doctors try to save lives. Abortionists take them. But Robinson is a different breed of abortionist, one who can callously joke about stabbing a preborn baby, who will commit abortions on fully viable children, capable of surviving outside of the womb. That’s not medicine; it’s murder.