Warren Hern is a self-described “late term abortion specialist” — even as abortion industry stalwarts like Planned Parenthood claim that “late-term abortion” is a meaningless phrase made up by pro-lifers just to confuse people. But more interesting is the fact that, unlike many abortionists who claim their motivation is to ‘help women,’ Hern seems to actually hate human beings and their very existence. And he’s not ashamed to say it.
Hern, a founding member of the National Abortion Federation, is a population control enthusiast who has long claimed that “humankind is a global cancer,” but now he has published a book expounding upon that misanthropic hypothesis, titled, “Homo Ecophagus: A Deep Diagnosis to Save the Earth.” The term “Homo ecophagus” means “the man who devours the ecosystem.”
Several of Hern’s other writings published to his website include titles along the theme of viewing mankind as a planetary cancer, such as: “How many times has the human population doubled? Comparisons with cancer,” “Humankind is like a global cancer,” “Is human culture carcinogenic for uncontrolled population growth and ecological destruction?,” and “Urban Malignancy – Similarity in the fractal dimensions of urban morphology and malignant neoplasms.” He writes in one essay:
Cancers spread by two means: extensive invasion and by metastasis, or distant colonization. Human communities, once established, tend to invade and destroy all adjacent ecosystems without limits. Because of prior limitations of technology and sheer population size, and because of cultural traditions that respected natural ecosystems, this was not always so, but it appears now to be occurring routinely.
There is no ecosystem on the planet that is not already destroyed, invaded, or immediately threatened in some manner by the human species….
It should be quite clear based on his own writings that Hern’s actions in committing abortions are not motivated by any sort of desire to help or empower human beings but instead in a desire to rid the world of them, because he views them as a blight on the planet.
Nonetheless, Salon used the occasion of Hern’s book release as an opportunity to publish a fawning interview with him. The article’s author, Troy Farah, describes Hern as “a Colorado-based physician” (actual physicians preserve life – Hern destroys it) without ever noting that he is, in fact, an abortionist by trade — he specializes in it, by his own words.
The article contains a lot of alarmist rhetoric about so-called climate change, and how humans are basically ruining everything. “Climatologists and scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades: Global temperatures and planetary homeostasis are spiraling out of control, and we’re to blame,” writes Farah, who appears to share Hern’s philosophies about humanity.
But like the fact of Hern’s actual occupation, the author fails to note that the substance of the alarms over the past 50+ years has changed radically over time, and that virtually all of the doomsday predictions have failed to materialize. What’s more, a growing number of scientists deny the existence of any climate emergency whatsoever.
But that doesn’t stop Hern from claiming that human cultural adaptations, including “language and speech and mathematics” as well as “constructing shelters … and having medical care” are “malignant maladaptations” that “do not have survival value.”
This is ironic, since his version of medicine has no “survival value” – indeed, if survival occurs after one of Hern’s abortion procedures, it is deemed a failure.
Hern also claims that “we have a violent fascist movement that occupies the attention of at least a third, if not more, of the population” in the United States. Again, ironic, since violence against humans in the womb is his profession.
Hern, who has been described as “rude,” “paranoid,” “impatient,” and even “aggressive” by his own clients, shows little concern for or self-awareness about the violence he commits, but given his bizarre opinion of human beings, this is not surprising. After all, in his mind, he is not killing a person, but rather excising a cancer.