A new profile of abortionist Warren Hern in the Los Angeles Times delved into what motivates him to commit abortions extremely late in pregnancy, as he is one of a small percentage of abortionists in the country willing to do so. In the profile, Hern said he loves ending the lives of preborn human beings, discusses the effects that late abortions have had on doctors, and remembers George Tiller’s legacy.
George Tiller and pro-life violence
In 2009, Tiller — also known for committing late abortions — was murdered at his church by Scott Roeder, in an inexcusable act of violence. Since then, the late Tiller has been lauded by the abortion industry, and Hern described him in a similar vein. “George was a wonderful guy, a normal person — as distinguished from me — kind and forgiving and a Christian and all that stuff,” he said “We were great friends, and I miss him.”
Not acknowledged is Tiller’s background; he committed illegal abortions, was responsible for patient deaths, covered up the rape of children, and provided poor patient care. One woman, “Patient A,” said she was the last to undergo an abortion when she visited Tiller’s facility. Though she was told she wouldn’t remember anything, she did — including what Tiller did to her child.
She said of the other abortion clients, “They all literally looked like zombies just lying there. It was creepy. I was not allowed to have my husband come back to see me or comfort me. Finally it was my turn. I was taken in and given a drug to almost knock me out. It’s one where they say you don’t remember things, but I do… I can remember him [Tiller] half delivering my baby, jabbing the scissors into his head and killing him, then just kind of throwing him to the side and finishing up.”
“Patient A” seems to be describing a D&X (or “partial-birth”) abortion, which is a federally illegal procedure.
Most of the babies killed by Tiller were in the second- and third- trimesters, and were healthy. He killed so many babies that he had his own full-sized crematorium to burn their bodies.
Hern claimed in the profile that the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision has made abortionists even more at risk of violence, and puts women at risk. “The criminalization of abortion under Republicans and Trump is a catastrophe for women,” he said. “It has become a collective psychosis. Why should a doctor who helps women have to work in secret behind bulletproof windows?”
What was not acknowledged in the article is that the vast majority of violence since Dobbs has been perpetrated by abortion activists against the pro-life movement, not by pro-lifers… and since Roe, not one woman has died due to pro-life laws put in place across the country.
The effect of abortion
The article tried to make out that Hern’s prolific career committing late abortions is largely because these preborn children were diagnosed with fatal anomalies, or because the woman’s own life is at risk. This is false, and has been disproven time and time again, though pro-abortion media outlets continue to push this narrative.
A 1988 Guttmacher study found that just two percent (2%) of women who had abortions did so because of a health problem with the baby. More than 20 years later, a 2013 study (also published by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute) said, “[D]ata suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” Pro-abortion researcher Diana Greene Foster stated, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service, that abortions for fetal abnormalities “make up a small minority of later abortion.” And a 2010 paper from Julia Steinberg, of the pro-abortion Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, said, “Research suggests that the overwhelming majority of women having later abortions do so for reasons other than fetal anomaly (Drey et al., 2006; Finer et al., 2005, 2006; Foster et al., 2008).”
The idea that most later abortions are committed out of necessity, as opposed to the same reasons earlier abortions are committed, is likely to make these abortions seem more acceptable to not only the American public, but to the people involved in the abortions as well.
“Our whole entire evolutionary experience is to take care of small helpless creatures, including human babies,” Hern said. “That’s the core biocultural problem with this.”
He then claimed that an abortionist-in-training once had to leave while Hern ended the life of a preborn child at 34 weeks. “This was rather disconcerting to her, and I told her there was nothing wrong with feeling that way,” he said.
Hern has previously discussed personally experiencing nightmares after committing abortions, and has said that his employees often struggled with what they witnessed.
“The work has caused some of his employees ‘serious emotional reactions that produced physiological symptoms, sleep disturbances, effects on interpersonal relationships and moral anguish,’ Hern reported in a medical journal,” the Los Angeles Times reported in a previous article. “Some said they dreamed that they vomited fetuses.”
Hern loves abortion
The article noted that Hern didn’t originally go into medicine with the intent of committing abortions; instead, he planned to become an epidemiologist. He has even referred to abortion is a “cure” for the disease of pregnancy, and has called human beings a “planetary cancer.” In the name of defending the environment, Hern wrote, “The human species is an example of a malignant ecotumor, an uncontrolled proliferation of a single species that threatens the existence of other species in their habitats.”
To Hern, pregnancy is no different from a dangerous disease. “Pregnancy is not a benign condition. It can kill you. The treatment of choice for pregnancy is abortion unless the woman wants to carry the pregnancy to term and have a baby,” he said. “That is a view that is abhorrent to those who believe that the purpose of women, aside from giving men pleasure and doing the housework, is to have as many babies as possible.”
Only one study has ever found that childbirth is more dangerous than abortion, and its results have never been replicated. It was also authored by two pro-abortion researchers. Elizabeth Raymond is with Gynuity Health Projects, which works to expand access to the abortion pill regimen and overturn safety standards set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while David Grimes is an abortionist. The study did not include statistics from Maryland, Washington D.C., New Hampshire, New York City, or California — none of which report their abortion data; there is no federal requirement for abortions or abortion complications to be reported by states.
The study was also accused of manipulating the data, according to Dr. John Ferrer of the Equal Rights Institute. “For example, compared to abortion mortality rates, the ‘maternal mortality rate’ in the RG study is inflated,” he wrote. “The CDC maternal mortality rate takes all birth-related deaths (the numerator) and divides them by only live births (the denominator), so all stillbirths and miscarriages are only addressed in the top number and not the bottom. The result is an inflated mortality rate from childbirth but not abortion.”
The study’s researchers also excluded deaths after an abortion that were unrelated — meaning if a woman contracted MRSA at an abortion facility and died, that would not be included in the study. However, they did not do the same for women who gave birth. This skews the results to make birth look considerably riskier than abortion.
“The study is careful to avoid false positives for abortion cases, presumably since those would undermine its argument, but not so careful with childbirth cases,” Ferrer said. “This double-standard is all the more troublesome because if the same measure were used for both childbirth and abortion then abortion would appear two to four times deadlier than childbirth. Abortion correlates with higher rates of murder, drug-related death, and suicide, but the RG study excludes those cases from the data while including those cases in the data on childbirth. It’s a flagrant double-standard that, by itself ruins the credibility of the RG study.” (emphasis added)
At 83, Hern shows no signs of slowing down or stopping his grisly practice of committing abortions. After all, as he told the Los Angeles Times about killing preborn children, “I love it.”