It says a lot that the state of Maryland revoked Nicola Riley’s license to practice medicine. NARAL has given Maryland an “A” on abortion. There is no gestational limit for abortions, drawing butchers from around the country to take advantage of the lucrative late-term abortion business available there. Abortion clinics are largely unregulated — and, unsurprisingly, when they are inspected (the clinics officials are even aware of, that is) the vast majority had numerous health violations. We don’t know what the abortion rate is because Maryland doesn’t report the numbers to the Center for Disease Control.
Most telling of all is that LeRoy Carhart is still allowed to practice in Maryland, despite the fact that two of his patients died at his hands, Christin Gilbert and Jennifer Morbelli, and has had numerous complaints filed against him.
Considering all of that, it really does speak volumes that abortionist Nicola Riley lost her license in Maryland. What is even more shocking is that the pro-abortion paradise of Maryland, where abortionists can do virtually anything and get away with it, would see fit to revoke her license… yet Riley will still be allowed to butcher women and children in another state: Utah.
Riley was charged with murder in Maryland, alongside abortionist Steven Chase Brigham. Brigham, who had no license to practice medicine in Maryland, employed Riley, who flew to Maryland from Utah on weekends. The “secret clinic” in Elkton was found to have 35 jars of frozen babies, which appeared to be around 36 weeks.
In addition to the frozen remains of the murdered babies, there was a horrifying tale of a patient butchered by Riley. During a late-term abortion, the patient could be heard screaming in pain for over two hours, and justifiably so: Riley perforated her uterus, shoved the baby into the patient’s abdominal cavity, and then pulled part of her bowel out of her vagina. Despite what was an obvious medical emergency, Riley transported the patient by private car to the hospital, and not via ambulance. She also didn’t transfer her to the hospital for an hour and a half. The patient eventually had to be air-lifted for emergency surgery, which saved her life. Her ability to have children in the future, however, is in question. The patient was only 18-years-old.
What makes this even more shocking is that Riley has a long history of criminal activity, which caused Riley to lose her license to practice medicine in Wyoming… but not Utah.
Maryland officials also said Riley should never have been issued a medical license because she had failed to disclose felony convictions for fraud, forgery and larceny, which resulted in a prison sentence, a court martial and a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Army. Riley also failed to disclose the specific details of her criminal past on her 1997 application to the University of Utah’s medical school and in applications for medical licenses in Utah and Wyoming, investigators found.
In its 26-page ruling, the Maryland board said Riley’s unprofessional conduct was “not remediable” and said it did “not believe that Maryland patients would be safe in the hands of this physician.”
It also isn’t the first time she has been disciplined by the Utah Division of Professional and Occupational Licensing. Yet all Utah is asking of Riley, however, is that she writes an essay detailing what she’s learned from the incident.
It is baffling to try to understand how someone like Nicola Riley could be allowed to continue to practice medicine in any state. How is it that the state of Utah can allow a convicted criminal, who almost killed one patient, and has lost her license to practice medicine in two other states, to continue to perform abortions? The thought is both mind-boggling and terrifying. Riley is a danger to women, and unfortunately will continue to be as long as she is allowed to continue working as an abortionist in Utah.