Abortionist turned pro-lifer, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, described how patient care was compromised in the abortion clinic he ran because physicians were seeking more money.
Doctors were being paid based on the number of abortions they performed, and:
The pay system inspired incredible situations. Walden [one of the abortionists] told me that when he first started, the practice was that a “senior” doctor with more experience at the clinic would have to confirm the newcomer’s estimate on how far along the pregnancy was. One day he estimated the woman at 16 weeks, and called in a “senior” with a solid reputation outside the clinic who told him, “She’s only 10 weeks. You can do her.”
Walden started to work and soon was in the middle of a treacherous, 16 week abortion that took him an hour and a half, with blood, bone and fetal parts all over the room. Meanwhile the “senior” doctor was running through three women and earning three times the pay while he was tied up.
Walden told me that the old hands pulled this on a lot of the new boys, to tangle them in impossible cases and reduce the competition for fees. On the side, of course, there was the trifling matter that they were putting the women patients in unnecessary danger.
This type of deception is particularly dangerous to women because – while the baby is violently killed either way – the method of abortion changes from the first to the second trimester. A first trimester abortion is usually done by suction – a hose attached to a cannula is inserted and the baby and placenta are sucked through a tube. The remains are then examined to make sure all the baby’s body parts have been removed, as any left behind can cause an infection in the mother.
By 16 weeks, a different technique would have had to be used, a D&E or “dismemberment” abortion, which is performed by dilating the cervix and tearing apart the baby with forceps. An arm is torn off, then a leg, etc., and the child is extracted piece by piece. Both types of abortion require different levels of dilation and different instruments.
With doctors pulling these kinds of stunts in abortion clinics to make more money, is it surprising that some abortion clinics are now selling the organs of aborted babies to maximize profits?