A recent article from Steven Ertelt at LifeNews.com outlines a recent British study showing the substantial risks placed on mother and unborn when the mother has a history of abortion.
Sohinee Bhattacharya, who led the research at the University of Aberdeen, examined more than 1 million pregnancies in Scotland over 26 years and he found that women who have one abortion increase their risk of premature birth in a subsequent pregnancy 34 percent. Women who have a historic risk of giving birth prematurely up that risk another 73 percent when they have an abortion.
The risk is increased enough, because of the abortion, that 10 percent of all women who have an abortion will give birth prematurely in their subsequent pregnancy that they carry to term, the researchers found.
The results, first reported Tuesday in the London Times, show the risk of premature birth in a pregnancy following an abortion increases substantially when women have more than one abortion. For the hundreds of British women who have four abortions or more, 20 percent of all women seeing to give birth will deliver prematurely, and premature births lead to an increase in the risk of newborn children having physical or mental disabilities.