
According to ACOG, ‘abortionist’ is now a dirty word


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently came out with a head-scratching statement, explaining that it now believes the term ‘abortionist’ is derogatory, and abortion advocates should not refer to anyone who commits an abortion as such. The logic crumbles when trying to reconcile this statement with the standard pro-abortion claim that abortion is nothing more than “routine health care.”

In a statement shared by Secular Pro-Life, ACOG writes, “Using this derogatory phrase [abortionist] perpetuates the myth that they are not medical experts and that abortion care is the extent of their expertise and does not reflect the full range of their patient-centered care that they provide.”


Despite this statement, anyone who commits abortions is an abortionist — even if they have other medical specialties. The term abortionist falls right in line with the terminology used to describe other medical personnel. A cardiologist deals with heart problems. A dermatologist deals with skin. An oncologist deals with cancer. And an abortionist deals with abortion. How can such a term be ‘derogatory’ when it is in line with standard medical terminology? Abortion advocates scream over and over that “abortion is health care.” If that’s true, then what’s the problem?

Commenters on the Secular Pro-Life post seem to understand the disparity as well.

“I’ve noticed accurate and straightforward terminology tends to bother abortion advocates,” wrote one Facebook user. “It’s almost like at the core they know they are doing something wrong and that the only hope they have of making it socially and politically acceptable is to hide behind flowery and ambiguous language.”

“Why would it be derogatory if abortion is ‘ok,'” mused another commenter. 

“Why aren’t they proud of it?” asked yet another commenter.

“Yeah, if they want women to shout their abortions, shouldn’t the doctors shout that they are abortionists?” replied another.

Warning: Graphic Images Below

These commenters hit the nail on the head. If abortion is as wonderful as so many people claim, why would a pro-abortion organization try to mask the fact that there are healthcare professionals committing these abortions. Are they experiencing pangs of conscience in recognizing that what they are truly doing is radically different from every other medical profession?

A medical professional’s standard goal is to heal, not to kill. An abortionist’s standard goal is to end a pregnancy by intentionally killing an innocent preborn human being. The result of the “patient centered care” provided by the abortionist looks like this:

Justice for the Five Holly

Baby Holly was dismembered by D&E abortion at a Washington D.C. abortion business. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.


Justice for the Five

Baby Harriet side profile
Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

The violence of abortion is brutal, tragic, and heartbreaking. It’s no wonder the abortion advocates at ACOG want to hide the fact that there are medical professionals willing and eager to perform such heinous acts.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill


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