The ACLU, in its “Not Stupid” campaign, claims that pro-life laws continue to pass around the nation because “extremist” politicians “think we are stupid.”
These politicians MUST think we are stupid if they think we want politicians playing doctor and interfering in our private decisions. Enough is enough. Now is the time for all of us to tell our elected officials to leave these decisions with a woman, her doctor and her family.
Stand with us and tell those who seek to undermine our private and personal decisions that you are NOT stupid.
Naturally – and unfortunately – this is the kind of blither-blather Americans can regularly expect from the ACLU these days. Somehow, this organization fails to understand that taking the life of an innocent child is a matter of basic human rights, not a “private decision.” No other choice to kill a child is “private.”
Politicians who stand up and demand an end to the killing – or attempt to limit it – are not “playing doctor” or “interfering” any more than politicians who outlaw child abuse and neglect are “playing parent” and “interfering.” When wrongs are committed – even if they are committed by doctors or parents – a civilized society will outlaw these wrongs. False cries for privacy serve only as a cover for atrocious violations of human rights.
If you recall, a Planned Parenthood spokeswoman even went so far as to say that, when a baby is born alive after an abortion, what happens to the baby should be between the woman and her doctor. This is the natural outcome of allowing mothers and doctors to kill babies at any point in time. Eventually, there is no end to how far this violent behavior can reach.
It’s entertaining that the ACLU, on one hand, expects Americans to demand that they are “NOT stupid” but, on the other hand, acts as if Americans ARE stupid. Take, for example, this comic that the ACLU asked artist Jen Sorensen to create.
Throughout the comic (you should view the whole thing), the ACLU makes a variety of claims (in supposedly comic ways, of course) that its operatives would like Americans to accept point-blank. When you look past the amusing illustrations and grind down the words, here’s basically what’s being said:
- Americans should be angry at the pro-life laws currently being passed in multiple states. (Because preserving and defending innocent life is not what America is about.)
- Abstinence is old-fashioned and should be laughed at. (Even though it’s a surefire way to prevent unintended pregnancies out of wedlock.)
- Striving for equality for all human beings is “regress,” not progress. (Yep…sounds like a claim that many oppressors throughout history like to make.)
- Pro-lifers have no right to write laws – especially if they are writing the same law for multiple states. (I mean, it’s just crazy to imagine that equality should reach across state lines. Also, only those in support of abortion should be allowed to express their viewpoint.)
- It’s impossible for abortion clinics to conform to medical standards. (Of course, there’s no point to these medical safeguards in the first place. Other than to oppress women. Wait, these standards actually allow for emergency care when women are injured in abortions? These are the standards typically required of other surgical centers? Well, no one needs to know that.)
- Enforcing safety standards at abortion clinics is not about women’s health. (In actuality, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and company are the ones who don’t truly care about women. Those who care about women do not push and encourage mothers to kill their children.)
- Women should not be forced to pay for child care for any existing children, drive a long distance, get time off of work, spend the night in a hotel, see pro-life protestors, and pay for an abortion all for the sake of killing their baby. (It’s simply too much! The ACLU thinks killing should be easy. Please – how is this a sane viewpoint? Who thinks people must be stupid?)
- Pro-life people who stand outside clinics intend to shame women. (Because if you don’t support abortion, you have inherently selfish motives that should require you to lose your First Amendment rights.)
- It’s okay to misquote people and not accurately represent what they say – just to make your case. (After all, the ACLU doesn’t mind using deception to make its case stronger.)
- Women who support women killing children are heroes. (In reality, nothing could be more different from the stand women ought to take. True women would never endorse mothers killing their children. Such a thing ought to be unthinkable to real women.)
Alright, go take a look. How else do you think the ACLU is assuming that the public is stupid? I, for one, have more faith in the American people: I believe they can see truth – and life – for what it really is.