The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, challenging federal restrictions on access to the abortion pill Mifeprex. For safety reasons, the abortion pill can only be obtained at a clinic, hospital, or medical office; however, the ACLU wants the pill to be available at pharmacies.
The lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court of Hawaii on behalf of Dr. Graham Chelius and health care associations. Chelius has a medical practice in Waimea, Hawaii, and says there are no abortion providers on the island. He wants the abortion pill to be available at pharmacies so that his patients can abort their preborn children without having to travel to another island.
The abortion pill ends the life of a preborn child by cutting off blood and nutrients. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains the process in the video below:
The abortion pill has risks for the women who take it, including heavy, long-term bleeding, uterine and bladder infections, and even death. At least 14 women have died from the abortion pill. Women have shared their horror stories from experiences with the abortion pill which prove that not only are the FDA’s safety regulations necessary, but abortion of any kind, including pill-form, is dangerous.
From a 30-year-old mother of two who took the abortion pill:
I took the first three tablets. The process had started and it was inevitable. But you have so long to reflect on it, and I became quite upset…
The pain became very strong. It was just like early labor. I remember finally dispelling the fetus. The nurse told me it was ‘beautifully formed.’
[This method] may be physically more natural, but psychologically it hits you much harder. You preside over the killing of a baby, completely unblinkingly.
“Amber” shared her story:
I got a non-surgical abortion. Nothing prepared me for what happened. First off it was the worst pain I have EVER felt in my life. And secondly, I SAW my baby. He/she looked so human already. I had no idea that my baby was so big after only 2 months. Just because you can’t see or feel it inside you doesn’t mean it’s not alive.
Former Planned Parenthood employee Abby Johnson said this about her experience:
They told me these were the pills that would start my bleeding and cramping… but nothing a few Ibuprofen couldn’t take care of…. Then the blood came. It was gushing out of me. I couldn’t wear a pad… nothing was able to absorb the amount of blood I was losing. The only thing I could do was sit on the toilet. I sat there for hours… bleeding, throwing up into the bathroom trashcan, crying and sweating….
After several hours on the toilet, I desperately wanted to soak in the bath tub…. I had vomit all in my hair and on my legs, not to mention how sweaty I was. I filled the tub and climbed in….. The cramps kept coming, but the water helped soothe them somewhat. I opened my eyes after 15 minutes and was horrified. My bathwater was bright red. It looked like I was sitting in the middle of a crime scene. And I guess it was… I had murdered my child.
Proponents of easier access to the abortion pill claim it is safe for women and want women to take the abortion pill at home. However, what they are doing is opening the door for more women to be injured or killed through risky, at-home abortions without a doctor available to commit a surgical abortion if and when the abortion pill fails and the mother needs medical intervention.
Dr. Donna Harrison, executive director of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told NPR that the lawsuit puts women in danger. “Is the pharmacist going to answer her call at 5 in the morning when she’s suffering or needs some help? The pharmacist is not going to be there.”
If you or someone you know regrets taking the abortion pill, it may not be too late to save your preborn baby. Abortion pill reversal is possible. Help is available at or 1-877-558-0333.