
Take action! Tell the Trump administration your tax money shouldn’t pay for abortions

abortion, defund, Title X, Planned Parenthood

In May, the Trump administration announced proposed changes to the distribution of Title X family planning funding, issuing the Protect Life Rule. This act, according to Live Action, does the following three things:

1. It forbids giving federal Title X funds (of which Planned Parenthood receives about $60 million a year) to any family planning facility that also has an abortion facility on site.

2. It forbids giving Title X funds to any family planning facility that refers its clients to abortion facilities.

3.It requires family planning facilities that receive Title X funds to follow all state and local laws that mandate the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse, child rape, sexual abuse and rape of adults, and human trafficking, among other crimes.

The Protect Life Rule is in line with most Americans’ beliefs, according to recent polling, as 83 percent of the American public is against taxpayer funding of abortions — and if federal funds are going toward facilities which also offer abortions, then those funds are also supporting abortion. The video below explains this principle, known as fungibility:

In the past, when abortion corporation Planned Parenthood polled the public on whether or not Americans supported defunding Planned Parenthood, the poll questions inaccurately and deceptively claimed that taxpayer funding that goes to Planned Parenthood does not go towards abortion. But this deception is not new. Planned Parenthood has been known to mislead the public on multiple issues; former CEO Cecile Richards even claimed for years that if the abortion giant’s funding was cut off, women would be denied mammograms — but was then later forced to admit under oath that Planned Parenthood does no mammograms and doesn’t even have mammogram machines at their facilities.

Planned Parenthood has also been exposed as an entity that protects abusers and traffickers rather than report their crimes to authorities, returning women and girls to their abusers.

July 31st is the deadline to submit your comments. Contact the Department of Health and Human Services using this link, and tell them you support the Protect Life Rule.

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