Live Action founder and president Lila Rose recently sat down with YouTuber and author John Lovell, who runs the popular organization Warrior Poet Society. Lovell discussed how his family’s failed adoption attempt propelled him forward in recognizing the evils of abortion and the necessary fight for preborn lives.
Lovell told Rose that he started his YouTube channel, Warrior Poet Society, as a means of calling men to step into their roles as protectors while also being emotionally present to those around them. As his channel progressed, he started speaking out about various lies on his Warrior Poet channel — including the lie of abortion.
“We’re not just pro-life, I want to become vocal about it,” he said.
His views on abortion solidified after he and his wife decided to adopt a baby, but went through a grueling process of bureaucracy while spending tens of thousands of dollars. He dismissed a common myth that there is nobody willing to adopt children wo may otherwise be aborted, saying there are “Over a million abortions in the U.S. each year, and over a million families waiting to receive those babies.”
Though Lovell and his wife expected to be placed with a child after several months, they waited for years with no success. Then, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the regular influx of potential adoptions suddenly slowed tremendously. Lovell believes that the fear of COVID led many mothers to abortion instead.
“During COVID, wild amounts of babies started getting murdered, because the fear of COVID, just looking at abortion alone, seemed to rival what the actual virus was killing,” he said.
Ultimately, he and his wife were forced to give up their adoption search. “Strong men need to join strong women and do something to eliminate this bureaucratic red tape (of adoption) and to be able to promote life through adoption,” he said. “It’s a beautiful alternative and it’s squashed. You have to go through wild amounts of money and red tape to adopt a baby that it’s easier to kill instead….It’s evil.”
Lovell said the first thing he would do to make adoption easier is to eliminate abortion.
“This is the greatest crime against humanity,” he said. “We have zero right to throw stones at the evil dictators of the old… look at the droves of people they murdered, and we’re murdering a million babies a year. What right do we have to castigate the dictators of old as evil? We’re doing the same thing.”
He believes future generations will look back and ask, “What do you do to rescue babies from this evil genocide against the unborn?”
“I want to be able to look at my grandkids and say, ‘I fought tooth and nail,'” he told Rose.
Ultimately, he believes abortion won’t be overturned until people demand it — and we still have a lot of work to do. “People need to see abortion as abhorrent,” he told Rose. “They need to see it for what it actually is.”
He also noted that men need to step up and realize that abortion is not just a “woman’s choice.” If men are protectors and speak out publicly against abortion, so much progress could be made.
“Quit self-censoring. Quit playing the part of coward. Abortion is murder. Say it out loud, repeat after me. It’s murder. It’s killing.”