Abortion advocates last week filed a proposed constitutional amendment that would solidify a “right” to abortion in the state’s constitution.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana submitted the ballot initiative language, which reads, “This constitutional amendment prohibits the government from denying or burdening the right to abortion before fetal viability.”
Warning: Abortion victim images below.
Earlier this year, the Montana Supreme Court ruled that killing preborn human beings is protected under the Constitution’s right to privacy. However, abortion advocates are pushing for the constitutional amendment in order to cement the state’s pro-abortion stance.
“Just because abortion is currently protected under rulings made by the Montana Supreme Court, that does not mean abortion rights are secured,” said Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana spokesperson Christopher Coburn. “Any change in the composition of the Montana Supreme Court or any bad rulings could change that instantaneously. So we’re explaining to voters that this amendment will protect their right to abortion in the Montana Constitution, ensuring that abortion access is placed beyond the reach of politicians.”
But abortion is the direct and intentional killing of a human being before birth. “Viability” is considered to be even later than the child below, who was killed by a D&E ‘dismemberment’ abortion:

Remains of a baby aborted by D&E. From Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Foot of a 21-week-old aborted baby, killed by D&E abortion procedure.

Face of aborted baby at 21 weeks (D&E procedure).
According to the Daily Interlake, the ballot measure proposal faces a long process before it can potentially reach voters in next year’s election, as it must first be approved by the Montana Legislative Services Division and then pass a legal review by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen. Supporters will then need to launch a petition campaign and secure signatures from 10% of the state’s electorate, including 10% of voters in each legislative House district.
Securing constitutional amendments in support of abortion has become the abortion industry’s strategy in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s overturn. While such amendments have been passed in California, Vermont, Michigan, and Ohio, many more could be on the ballot in the coming years, as efforts have been launched in states like Florida, Virginia, Maryland, New York, and elsewhere.
Last year, Montana voters failed to pass a ballot measure last year that would have ensured that infants born alive during abortions receive medical intervention like other infants.