
Alabama Senate passes dismemberment abortion ban


As Live Action News previously reported, a ban on the gruesome procedure known as D&E abortion, or dismemberment abortion, has been progressing through the Alabama Legislature.

On Tuesday, the Alabama Senate passed the bill with an overwhelming majority voting in favor of the ban, with the final vote count at 30-2. A companion bill has already cleared an Alabama House committee.

The bill prohibits dismemberment abortion, except in the case of “serious health risk to the mother.”

“Dismemberment abortions are a heinous practice, and I am glad the Alabama Senate has taken this step to promote and protect a culture of life by outlawing these procedures,” said Senator Phil Williams, a co-sponsor of the legislation. “The abortion of unborn children through violent dismemberment is something all right-thinking Americans should condemn.”

Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes a D&E (dismemberment) abortion procedure in the video below:

Cheryl Ciamarra, director of Alabama Citizens for Life, praised the Senate for protecting unborn children from a terribly barbaric death by passing the legislation. “Our senators showed they prioritize human life and its protection by passing this legislation,” said Ciamarra.

A similar bill was signed into law earlier this month in Mississippi.

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