
ALERT: Tickets on sale to Evangelicals for Life conference in Washington, DC

Focus on the Family and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention have announced that they will be hosting Evangelicals for Life, a “major pro-life conference held in conjunction with the March for Life event on January 21-22, 2016, in Washington, D.C.”

At the conference, “Evangelicals from across the country will gather in Washington, DC to be inspired and equipped by top speakers” such as Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore, Focus on the Family President Jim Daly, Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox, Care Net CEO Roland Warren, Americans United for Life President Charmaine Yoest, and more.

“Many of the people we know most vulnerable to the abortionist’s rhetoric are not actually pro-choice, they’re just scared, scared to scandalize a church with their secret,” Moore writes, “What these people need more than a lesson in embryonic development is to have the Gospel preached to their conscience […] The Gospel disarms the appeal of the abortion clinic because it offers truth with love, judgment with mercy, and righteousness with grace.”

That’s why, he explains, the Evangelicals for Life conference “exists to help evangelicals articulate a truly Christian doctrine on the dignity of all human life.”

The event will be held at Capitol Hill’s Hyatt Regency Washington hotel. Tickets can be purchased at, and information on how your church can simulcast the event for free is available from Evangelicals for Life.

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