
Planned Parenthood president says no one can be neutral on abortion – and she’s right

Baby Olivia, abortion, Live Action

Though abortion remains legal throughout much of the country following the fall of Roe v. Wade, the abortion industry is continuing its fight for unlimited, unrestricted abortion everywhere. Planned Parenthood president and CEO Alexis McGill Johnson spoke about the abortion conglomerate’s plan to fight back against the protections put in place for preborn children.

In an interview with The Guardian, McGill Johnson said Planned Parenthood’s goal is to file lawsuits ensuring abortion is legal throughout as many states as possible. And then, she hopes to mobilize voters to elect pro-abortion politicians. “What we can see, essentially, is just a lot of chaos, a lot of confusion and a lot of concern for patients on the ground being able to get the care they need. What we’ve also seen is a significant amount of rage,” she said. “Our work right now is to maximize the care that we can in the states that we can, and also take this moment as an opportunity to maximize mobilization.”

And though it will be difficult, she said abortion advocates intend to mobilize in pro-life states like Texas and Oklahoma as well.“Our job now is making sure all of these politicians who are completely out of step – that people understand where every single state [representative] stands on this issue so they can start to build power in the state,” she said. “We’re going to make every candidate – whether they’re applying for school board or state supreme court, or governor – reflect on where they are on this decision.”

More importantly, she added, “No one can be neutral in this moment.” And she’s correct.

READ: ‘Baby Olivia’ provides an incredible look at the first trimester of human development

Just as no one can be neutral on issues like slavery, rape, or murder, the very thing that McGill Johnson is so desperately fighting for is an act of violence that takes the life of an innocent human being. And that isn’t something people can or should be neutral about.


It is a scientific fact that human life begins at fertilization (conception). The second this new person is created, his sex, hair color, eye color, and countless other traits have already been determined. He also has his own separate, unique DNA.

By just three weeks, the heart is beating — and it is not, as abortion advocates claim, a meaningless pulse of electric activity. As the Endowment for Human Development points out, the heart is actually beating, though it does not yet have four chambers. Blood is actually pumping through the tiny baby’s body, which is necessary for the body to continue developing. Brain waves can be recorded at just six weeks gestation. By 10 weeks, the baby has his own unique fingerprints.

And that’s just a small sample of the development which takes place in the first trimester.

Abortion advocates speak of the supposed “right” to abortion, but the most important right is that of the right to life. Abortion violates that right every single time it is committed. So yes, McGill Johnson is right: we can’t be neutral on abortion. There is no neutrality on such violent acts, and there never can be.

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