
Alfie Evans’ father vows ‘private prosecution’ of medical team

Alfie Evans

The tragic Alfie Evans saga seems to be coming to a heartbreaking end. In their latest appeal, a judge once again refused to allow the sick toddler to leave the United Kingdom for treatment. Alfie has been breathing independently for several days now after being taken off of life support, but the hospital initially refused to give him oxygen, food, or water. In previous court battles, doctors said that Alfie would not live more than a few minutes once life support is removed, yet now doctors are backtracking and claiming that they never said Alfie would die quickly — despite evidence proving their duplicity. Alfie has been made an Italian citizen, and Vatican hospital Bambino Gesu is willing to take him in; the family also has air ambulance companies on standby, ready to transport him. Sources have even stated that the Italian Embassy in London warned it will “file a complaint… for the murder of an Italian citizen” if the UK won’t let Alfie go to Rome. Yet the British government refuses to let Alfie leave the country. Why?

Alfie’s father, Tom Evans, seems committed to finding out why his son has to die — and holding the people responsible for his death accountable. He announced his intent to prosecute three doctors, writing,

[I]f my son dies now, I will instruct lawyers to start private prosecution of every single person who helps to make that happen.

You say that to withdraw life support from a sick child is a humane medical act – I say it is murder. You say that using force to prevent me from trying to save his life is no more than upholding the law – I say it is murder. You say you are acting in the best interests of the child. Perhaps King Herod used that phrase, too.

I will not allow you to kill my son just because a bunch of smug lawyers in London has concluded this would be good for him. If you make my son die tomorrow, you will face justice from a jury of your twelve countrymen in this world, and a terrible judgement of God in the world to come.

Papers have allegedly already been served, charging three doctors with conspiracy to murder.

Evans seems to believe that there is an NHS conspiracy to ensure that his son dies. It may seem outlandish, but considering the facts, it doesn’t seem that crazy. Alfie has yet to be given a specific diagnosis, although it is believed he has encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome — a condition that, while it has no cure, has wildly variable outcomes. Some people with it are able to survive into adulthood, while others die in infancy. But the problem for the NHS is that Alfie will never improve, as a judge hearing Alfie’s case has said. If he survives, he will likely be severely disabled for his entire life, and if he won’t improve, then there’s no point in wasting the money and resources on helping someone who just isn’t worth it — to the NHS, anyway.

Given that mentality, the idea of the NHS having a vested interest in Alfie’s death doesn’t seem so far-fetched after all.

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