As we come to the end of Black History month, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King is encouraging everyone to vote for candidates who oppose abortion and the Planned Parenthood agenda. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King said in a written statement that not voting is not an option for her because too many people paid a heavy price for that right:
“Not voting is not an option. Too many people in the suffragette and race wars in the U.S. (including my dad Rev. AD King, my uncle, ML King, and yes, me) struggled, and some even died for the right to vote.”
Alveda King has been an outspoken advocate for preborn children whose lives are targeted for death through abortion. She often compares their struggle for life as a civil right just as that of the African American community her Uncle, MLK, stood up to defend in the 1960’s. She also promotes the healing between the races and a spirit of love and unity to stand for those being targeted the same way her uncle did when the Black community was targeted. She warns those who will listen to focus on the real issues that matter and not the political spin:
“America needs healing… Beware the spin games. Pray and vote for life because our generations are depending on deliverance.”
Today, Alveda King said she is committed to casting her vote for the person who is most aligned with her views. Like many pro-lifers these days, it can be a difficult task to select the right candidate for political office because they often fall short of standing firmly against abortion in every case.
“During past elections I “wrote in” names for candidates because of personal, or philosophical reasons, I couldn’t stomach some who received nominations,” Alveda said in her written statement. She called promises from certain candidates, an emotional spin trap:
“Often politicians make unenforceable promises that make people feel good. We applaud those promises from candidates we like, because they strike a feel good chord. On the other hand, we attack those seemingly impossible unfulfilled promises from candidates we don’t prefer, because we want them to lose so that our candidates can win. It’s all an emotional spin trap.”
Alveda has worked hard to expose the eugenics history of Planned Parenthood. She has called the targeting of abortion in the Black community paramount to Black Genocide. But today, given all that is at stake in today’s election, she has vowed to vote for the person that is most against the abortion agenda and who will oppose Planned Parenthood:
“This time around, I’m committed to voting for whoever is against the abortion agenda and Planned Parenthood’s role in abortion on some level and who receives the nomination for the party who is most against abortion.”
Without endorsing any one candidate, Alveda said the choice is simple:
“I’m just going to vote for the one most closely aligned to the position that human life of mothers and their babies is valuable from conception or fertilization until natural death (no abortion and no euthanasia for babies, poor, sick and infirm people); and that life and the liberty to be born is a human, moral and civil right.”