
AMAZING: Live Action celebrates ONE BILLION video views

Seventeen years ago, Lila Rose founded Live Action at the age of 15 in her family’s living room. Her goal was to expose the reality of abortion and what it does to preborn children. Today, Live Action is a non-partisan, non-profit organization, one of the leading pro-life groups in the world, and has the largest social media following in the pro-life movement.

In 2008, Live Action’s first nationally televised undercover investigation was released. Since then, our videos have been viewed over one billion times. Live Action’s videos feature compelling content, investigative reporting, and human interest stories, and have served to inspire the public, changing hearts and minds about the value of life.


Education on a subject is key to changing hearts and minds. Some of Live Action’s most popular video series have served to inform people of the truth about abortion. The videos listed below are just a few of our most popular, with many more on the Live Action YouTube channel.

The Abortion Procedures series features former abortionist Anthony Levatino, an OB/GYN who is now pro-life. Levatino narrates the non-graphic videos which feature 2-D imagery illustrating what happens to preborn children during different types of abortion procedures. Since being released, the videos have become some of the most-viewed pro-life videos in history, with over 50 million views and over half a million shares.


How the Sexual Revolution Hijacked Feminism exposes how the abortion industry mobilized to take over the feminist movement. Early feminists had largely been pro-life and abhorred abortion. Author Sue Ellen Browder is featured in the series; as an investigative journalist who wrote for Cosmopolitan magazine for 20 years, Browder had a front-row seat to the manipulation of feminist leaders. Unfortunately, today, the idea that being pro-life is “anti-woman” still thrives.


The Pro-Life Replies series gives pro-life activists the tools they need to answer common pro-abortion arguments. From “My Body, My Choice” and “No One Knows When Life Begins,” to “Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary” and “Babies with Disabilities Are Better Off Aborted,” Pro-Life Replies features a variety of speakers. Each video explains how to respond to these claims by explaining the pro-life argument.


Baby Development Week by Week is an extremely popular video which shows the development of preborn children in the womb—one of the most important things for any pro-life activist to know. With hundreds of thousands of views, the video shows how a human life develops in the womb from fertilization to birth.


The Minds Changed series shows the power of Live Action’s educational Abortion Procedures videos. In the videos, Live Action representatives speak to people in a man-on-the-street interview format, gaining their perspectives on abortion both before and after viewing the videos of abortion procedures. Their responses prove just how powerful the truth really is.



Live Action first gained nationwide attention for its undercover investigations, with videos exposing the secrets of the abortion industry. Across multiple states, Live Action investigations have uncovered human rights abuses, criminal behavior, systemic corruption, and more. The details on all of Live Action’s investigations can be found on the Live Action website and YouTube channel. Below are just a few.

Aiding Abusers shows how the abortion industry—and specifically, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain—is complicit in the sexual abuse of children. Though abortion facilities are required by law to report suspected child abuse, Aiding Abusers shows how abortion staffers routinely look the other way, ignore cries for help, and send children right back to their abusers.


The Inhuman investigation shows the reality of late-term abortion across the nation, and makes it clear that serial killer Kermit Gosnell was not alone. Abortionists across the country admitted to Live Action investigators how they would refuse to give aid to abortion survivors, or would even outright kill them, all while acknowledging the humanity of the preborn children they abort.


Abortion Corporation investigated Planned Parenthood’s claim that they’re a legitimate health care provider. The series features interviews with former Planned Parenthood managers, shows investigations into Planned Parenthood’s services, and analyzes the corporation’s annual reports. Despite saying they make health care a priority, the reality is, Planned Parenthood’s sole priority is abortion.


The above are just a handful of Live Action’s videos that have now reached a billion views in an effort to accomplish our mission of changing hearts and minds. It is our hope that abortion will one day be not only illegal, but unthinkable. Until then, we will keep working to spread the truth and make a difference, one view at a time.

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