Seeing graphic images of the babies killed during abortion can be absolutely horrifying. The pictures are so awful that debate rages amongst pro-lifers as to whether or not they are helpful or harmful. But the question is, are they real?
Pro-aborts will claim they’re pictures of stillbirths or miscarriages. Planned Parenthood has claimed they aren’t real.
But pro-lifers don’t go to hospitals or doctors’ offices to steal bodies (and presumably mutilate them to look like victims of abortion). They aren’t altered or Photoshopped. The photos used by Live Action, for example, in our video “Here’s The Blood” were obtained by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. There are signed affidavits from both the abortionist and the photographer verifying the authenticity of the images.
It can be heartbreaking viewing pictures of aborted babies, and it’s far easier to live in a state of denial about them. After all, women are frequently told that their babies are just clumps of tissue, just meaningless blobs.
Graphic abortion photos show not only the brutality of abortion, but the inherent humanity of the child who has been murdered. We may not want to believe the evidence of the atrocity that is abortion — but the abortion pictures are still real.