In a speech given on the Senate floor Wednesday, Arkansas senator Tom Cotton slammed the signers of an abortion ad that recently garnered media attention. The senator went directly to the heart of the matter, calling out the blatant misogyny at the heart of the 180 CEOs’ expressed preference for abortion over maternity leave in the name of a bizarre and twisted feminism, and specifically highlighted how the CEOs called protecting preborn babies “bad for business.”
“Now, I get why outfits like Planned Parenthood or NARAL would say babies are ‘bad for business.’ Abortion is their business, after all, and they’re just protecting their market share,” said Cotton. But as for the CEOs, Cotton argued their preference for abortion might be “because they want their workers to focus single-mindedly on working — not building a family and raising children.[…] They’ll support your individuality and self-expression just so long as you stay unattached and on the clock.”
Senator Cotton touted &Pizza as an example of a company that claims to care about “equality in the workplace” but “doesn’t even offer paid maternity leave to all its employees…. It’ll even pay employees to get a tattoo of the company logo. So if you want to be a walking billboard for your employer, &Pizza will foot the bill. But if you’re pregnant with a child, tough luck.”
And in fact, Cotton pointed out the majority of Americans do not agree with the kind of abortion agenda the CEOs want to enforce on their employees, according to recent polls.
“What should never happen, though, is billion-dollar corporations trying to dictate these moral questions to us. Politically correct CEOs shouldn’t be in the business of threatening normal Americans. But that’s exactly what we’ve seen lately. The loudest objections to these pro-life laws haven’t come from the ‘bottom up’ — from normal citizens who happen to disagree with one another — but from the ‘top down’; from cultural elites, and increasingly from giant corporations who wield their economic power as a weapon to punish the American people for daring to challenge their pro-abortion extremism.”
What happens in the workplace when women are expected to be like men is that children will be viewed as a hindrance to the company’s bottom line — and abortion helps to perpetuate the idea that women are somehow “broken” due to their ability to bear children.
But the pro-life movement is accustomed to flowering in the face of this kind of adversity, and Cotton ended on a positive note. “Despite the pressure campaign waged against us, I’m heartened, because I know the pro-life movement will carry on as it always has, speaking to the inherent dignity of every human life. Not everything can be measured on a corporate balance sheet. Some things are bigger and more important than the bottom line or what wealthy, politically correct corporations consider ‘bad for business.’ The cause of life is one of those issues worth fighting for.”
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