
Attorneys say it’s ‘heartless’ to make men financially responsible for children they create

abortion, disability, ultrasound, third trimester

Abortion advocates have come out in droves to discuss why they believe the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a catastrophe. Typically, their reasons involve claims that women need abortion for their fulfillment and even their equality — but the latest tactic has been to focus on men. These advocates claim that men need abortion so they won’t suffer the psychological and financial consequences of fatherhood.

The Dallas Morning News interviewed several female attorneys who warned that men will now be held financially responsible for the children they helped to conceive, since they might not be aborted. “I feel like a storm-watcher who sees the storm coming,” child support attorney Kathy Middleton said. “I’m very concerned and want to call attention. These are the things that keep me up at night.” Middleton called the idea that fathers could go to jail for delinquent child support payments “heartlessness,” claiming, “In a decade, there could be millions of men incarcerated.”

Family law attorney Ebony Rivon agreed, saying that with over 45,000 children in foster care, Texas “has not adequately funded the safekeeping, housing and future” of those children. “My heart is heavy and troubled!!” she reportedly wrote on social media. “… To be born to parents who didn’t want them, couldn’t afford them, raped them, weren’t ready for them, gave them away … what type of life is that???? … The Texas Foster Care system is NOT prepared for the consequences of this decision.”

In reality, most children in foster care are not eligible for adoption, as the ultimate goal of foster care is reunification with the family of origin. (The idea that these children are “unwanted” by their families is also false.) An open or closed adoption, however, can be arranged even before a biological mother gives birth, and that child does not enter the foster care system.

READ: Division grows among pro-abortion organizations: ‘No one’s able to say how bad it is’

Both attorneys are pushing for voters to elect politicians who will make abortion legal across all 50 states again. If not, they say, men will pay the price. “Many of these men are not deadbeat dads; they are dead broke men,” Middleton said. “After this reversal, there will be more women coming forth for child support that will greatly impact men, particularly low-income men who largely are African-American.”

This notion of abortion as something that is needed to benefit men is, without a doubt, true — men have long benefited from the misogynistic nature of the abortion industry. Women pay the price while men avoid any consequence or responsibility.

As it is, women often face having to either get an abortion or drop out of school; employers are frequently unsupportive of pregnant employees. Many women are coerced into abortions, including by their partners, and often threatened with homelessness or violence. And the excuses given by Middleton and Rivon are exactly why men secretly slip abortion pills — which can now easily be obtained online — into women’s drinks, in an effort to force an abortion without their partner’s knowledge or consent. This justification, that men will become the victims of child support schemes, encourages this kind of behavior.

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