While forced sterilization might seem like a relic of the distant past, its chilling reality persists — particularly in Europe — where...
In a significant development that has stirred controversy, President Emmanuel Macron of France recently announced through an online post his intention to...
In the ever-evolving landscape of health care, a troubling shift has taken place. Once staunchly dedicated to preserving life, the health care...
The assisted suicide lobby is facing mounting scrutiny after significantly inflating the number of British individuals seeking assisted suicide at the Swiss...
Last month, Jeremy and Sauhry Turner of Ocala, Florida, celebrated the arrival of their latest family member, a precious baby girl. What...
The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program, established during the Bush era, has been instrumental in saving countless lives...
Earlier this week, world leaders at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved a political declaration outlining strategies to enhance global readiness...
According to the Guardian, despite rising numbers of human trafficking victims, prosecutions for the crime have steadily declined. Though there are an...
Intentional killing by induced abortion is not medically necessary, but that doesn’t stop pro-abortion activists from claiming that abortion is healthcare as...
In a first-ever move for South Australia, a prisoner has been granted an assisted dying permit after being diagnosed with a terminal...
A North Carolina man faces murder charges after shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach, killing her preborn child. On Aug. 19...
A former gymnastics star and 44-year-old mother of two recently made a triumphant comeback at the Adult Gymnastics British Championships by winning...
Last year, a firestorm erupted in countries across Europe following the European Union’s vote on July 7, 2022 to condemn the overturning...
Earlier this year, Idaho enacted a law aimed at protecting minors from abortion trafficking. The law prohibits minors from being taken across...