A Scottish lawmaker who lost four of his five children is speaking out against assisted suicide and challenging his country to reimagine...
Twelve years ago, 44-year-old Federico Carboni was paralyzed following a car crash. This week, he died in Italy’s first case of assisted...
Catholic bishops from Colorado are asking lawmakers who voted for a recent pro-abortion law to “voluntarily refrain from Holy Communion,” according to an...
Leaders of a Muslim fisherman community in Porbandar, India — the hometown of Mahatma Gandhi — are pleading with authorities to allow...
A premature baby born at 24 weeks and weighing only 15 ounces — roughly the size of a smartphone — is now...
Following in Texas’s footsteps, Oklahoma lawmakers approved a bill last week restricting abortion after a preborn baby’s heartbeat is detected, which typically...
Pro-lifers celebrated a significant milestone in South Carolina on Wednesday when the state’s House of Representatives voted to advance a bill requiring...
An Italian politician has introduced a proposal that would provide 4,000 euro payments to incentivize 100 pregnant women to choose life for...
A new study in the United Kingdom has revealed a 2.5 percent higher suicide risk among people battling terminal cancer, as well...
The Catholic Church has been clear and unwavering in its pro-life stance. But that didn’t stop President Joe Biden from selecting a...
In December 2021, during a sonogram at 24 weeks, a couple in Mumbai, India, learned their preborn baby boy named Shivansh Singh had a...
A breast cancer screening led a Canadian woman to the astounding discovery that she and seven of her siblings were sold at...
The abortion pill is dangerous for women, and new legislation introduced by an Indiana congresswoman would ensure that women are made aware...
A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that taxpayer dollars can be used by federally funded family planning clinics to support abortion...