In 1977, Christendom College was founded in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, with the motto “Instaurare Omnia In Christo: To Restore...
In 2018, the Natural Cycles app became the first non-hormonal birth control method to receive both CE marking in Europe and FDA approval in the United...
The abortion industry in our country has long abandoned the “safe, legal and rare” mantra that viewed abortion as a necessary evil....
Many women today are not comfortable with their own bodies, and have a particularly uneasy relationship with their own fertility. Fertility awareness-based...
Live Action News has extensively covered the risks associated with hormonal contraceptive use by teen girls and young women, as well as...
New motherhood is supposed to be a joyous, albeit often sleep-deprived time, and yet for one in nine new moms (other statistics say...
Mary Cain was an outstanding track runner in high school, arguably “the fastest girl in America.” The Bronxville, New York teen was...
On February 1, 2020, 40 Days for Life will dedicate a Memorial to the Unborn on the former site of the Bryan/College Station,...
Fertility awareness-based methods of natural family planning (FABMs) have been called “natural methods of birth control.” While modern, evidence-based methods of FABMs...
New York City, where more African Americans are killed by abortion each year than born, might seem like an unlikely place for...
Women’s Med Center abortion facility in Kettering, Ohio, a Dayton suburb, received a stunning win Wednesday when the Ohio Department of Health decided...
A twist on the old joke, “a ___ walks into a bar” might be “a girl walks into an OB office” followed...
Pro-lifers seek both to protect preborn human beings by making abortion illegal and unthinkable by ensuring that pregnant moms have the support...
Abortion can be physically and emotionally devastating for women who undergo it, and traumatic for men and women involved in the decision....